Rottweiler - breed specification

Rottweilers are real heroes among dogs, once they were used as working dogs: they drove cattle from the pastures and drove carts of butchers and peasants laden with goods. Now, thanks to their characteristics, Rottweiler dogs serve in many power structures and are used as guard dogs. But, despite the bellicose appearance, the Rottweiler can be a calm, obedient, affectionate friend and protector.

Contrary to the prevailing opinion of many, the character of the Rottweiler breed in dogs is not evil and aggressive, but quite balanced and soft. Unperturbed, fearless, infinitely devoted to the owner and family, affectionate and playful - such is the description of a well-bred Rottweiler breed dog. Rottweiler, as a rule, refers to strangers indifferently, but never scolds them, although a bit cautious.

Rottweilers are very smart and easy to train, but this dog does not suit everyone - he needs a calm but strict owner, capable of assuming the role of leader. A family for a Rottweiler is his pack, and in this pack there must be a leader. It is better for you if you take this role on yourself, and do not leave it to your four-footed friend. Rottweilers are recommended for those who already have the experience of training and nurturing similar in size and temperament dogs. Rottweiler protects his family at the level of instinct, ferociously and mercilessly, but without proper education, he can become dangerous even for the master.

Despite the protection characteristics of the breed, the Rottweiler does not have a place on the chain or in the booth. The peculiarity of the Rottweiler breed is that it should be next to your family, and not sit alone on chains.

Rottweiler can be kept in the apartment, but then you will need to walk with him more often. These dogs are strong and hardy, love active games, run and swim.

Rottweiler breed standard

Rottweiler dogs are strong, dexterous and hardy. Boys are usually slightly larger than girls. For example, the standard growth of males varies from 61 to 69 cm, bitches from 56 to 63 cm; the weight of males in the norm is from 43 to 59 kg, the bitches - from 38 to 52 kg.

Rottweiler has a strong and massive body, well developed musculature; head broad with a slightly rounded forehead and a pronounced transition from forehead to muzzle. The muzzle is wide, large and slightly "cheeked," the nose is also wide and necessarily black. Lips should also be black, and the mouth and gums - dark. According to the breed standard, light spots on the nose and lips of the Rottweiler are inadmissible.

The eyes of the Rottweiler are almond shaped. The standard color is brown, but there are also blue-eyed Rottweilers and disagreements when one eye is blue and the other is brown. The disadvantage is the round shape of the eyes, as well as too light or colored eyes.

The adult rottweiler has 42 teeth and a scissor bite. Ears are triangular in shape, slightly dangling, but set high. Earlier Rottweilers were tails, but now in many countries this is forbidden and the tail is considered to be the natural length.

The wool of the Rottweiler is short, stiff and dense, black with spots ranging from rusty to brownish-red - tan marks. Especially pronounced these spots on the muzzle, paws, chest and near the tail.

Life expectancy averages 10-12 years. Among the common diseases Rottweilers called damage to the knee, hip dysplasia and eyelid twist. They are prone to snoring, as well as obesity, so do not overfeed your pet! Well, and if you decide to breed Rottweilers, then be prepared for the fact that in one litter the Rottweiler can bring up to 10-12 puppies.