Ledum marsh - medicinal properties and contraindications

Swampy wild rosemary is a shrub whose name is translated from Greek as "incense". Already from the name it is clear that the plant prefers marshy and acid soils. Branches and leaves of this bush publish a stupefying smell, therefore it is considered poisonous. In spite of this, the beneficial properties of bog beetroot are used in folk recipes aimed at treating various diseases. Procurement of raw materials can be done independently, observing the existing rules, or you can buy ledum in the pharmacy.

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of swamp argillaceous

First, let's look at the composition of this plant, which actually includes many useful substances: phytoncides, flavonoids, vitamins , essential oils, tannins, organic acids, etc.

Therapeutic properties and application of the marsh ledum:

  1. Water based tincture based on the plant has a diaphoretic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. With it, you can reduce pain, destroy bacteria and heal wounds.
  2. Folk remedies prepared on the basis of a plant are recommended for bronchitis, laryngitis and pertussis, since they possess a vasodilating action.
  3. Due to the fact that the plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is used to reduce the temperature in the treatment of colds and flu. Use an oil based on Ledum oil to prepare drops that are effective in the treatment of rhinitis.
  4. The medicinal properties of the marsh ledum are justified by the presence of a diuretic effect, therefore, it is used in renal colic and stones.
  5. Helps reduce blood pressure, and also cleanses the blood and improves blood circulation in general. It is recommended to use traditional recipes with Ledum, if there are problems with the cardiovascular system.
  6. The oil, prepared from the leaves of the bush, has an antibacterial effect, so since ancient times it is used for topical application in wounds, abrasions, burns and other problems.
  7. The analgesic properties of swamp Ledum are useful in diseases such as arthritis, gout and sciatica.
  8. Decoctions cooked on the basis of plants, destroy the pathogenic microflora, which provokes the development of intestinal infections.
  9. An unusual property is the smoke that stands out when burning the plant, so it has a calming effect and helps to fight insomnia.
  10. Means prepared on the basis of a plant, have a positive effect on the joints, so they are recommended for arthritis and other diseases.

It is important to know not only the beneficial properties of the marsh ledum, but also its contraindications, since, as it was said earlier, the plant is poisonous. First of all it is necessary to take into account the possibility of individual intolerance to plant components. It is forbidden to use folk remedies with Ledum with glomerulonephritis, hepatitis and pancreatitis. It is dangerous to take this plant to pregnant and breast feeding women, as well as children under 16 years of age. It is best to take the medication, on the basis of the marsh ledum, on the recommendation of the doctor and under his supervision, since there is a risk of side effects. When receiving swampy wild rosemary in large quantities, poisoning, irritability, dizziness and inflammation of the mucosa may occur, and the central nervous system suffers. You can not stay in the room where the plant is being dried, as well as next to the bushes themselves, since headaches and other unpleasant consequences can occur.