Caries in children

Caries (in translation from Latin - decay) - is the process of destruction of the tooth, both its outer part - enamel, and deeper - dentin.

Why do children develop tooth decay?

How does the caries look like, everyone knows, but the reasons for its appearance in children are not known to everyone. The main cause of tooth decay are microbes. They accumulate in the oral cavity and when they get there sugars, they begin to dissolve intensively, thus creating an acidic environment. It, in turn, destroys the mineral component of the tooth enamel, and subsequently the protein matrix of the tooth. Promotes the spread of caries, improper nutrition, non-compliance with hygiene and a general decrease in the body's resistance.

Unfortunately, today caries occurs more often in young children, and it has its own peculiarities of the current. As a rule, all teeth are immediately affected, and this happens much faster than in adults. Often, a single tooth is located just a few foci of caries.

Treatment of caries in children also has its own characteristics. First, it is impossible to apply all the methods of treatment, because children are afraid of a drill, can not stay in one place for a long time, and even with an open mouth. Secondly, at an early age, it is highly advisable not to use local anesthesia, not only that there is nothing useful in it, so even a baby can scare the very process of its conduct and consequences.

What if the baby has tooth decay?

Today, there are many ways to save painless tooth painlessly. Therefore, if you notice the first signs of caries in a child, visit the dentist.

Some parents believe that a sick tooth can simply be removed, because a new one will grow. This opinion is erroneous. The bite in children is in the stage of formation and if the tooth is removed, the neighboring ones will begin to grow in the sides. This is not to mention that when removing the milk tooth, you can damage the root of the root. Therefore caries of baby teeth in children must be treated. The most popular means of fighting tooth decay in children is silvering of teeth, the only disadvantage of which is a non-aesthetic appearance due to black spots. With the help of silver, the process of tooth decay stops. Also, doctors practice the treatment of children's teeth with special enamel-strengthening pastes.

The most powerful weapon against caries in children is prevention. Watch out for the baby's food, do not let sucking candies constantly, gnawing hard food. Accustom your child to the mandatory daily hygiene procedure - brushing your teeth. Perform it in the morning and evening. Explain to the baby how many different bacteria can form in his mouth during the night and that they are able to destroy his teeth. To make it more fun for him to brush his teeth with him, show how to do it.