Potatoes in the oven - 10 original ideas for cooking a delicious dish

Baked potatoes in the oven - an indispensable recipe in many homes, because the cooking options for the dish there are many. Varying spices and adding different types of meat and vegetables, you can create excellent treats in a very short time.

How delicious to bake potatoes in the oven?

Potatoes baked in the oven are prepared quickly and simply. Even without the addition of meat ingredients, the dish will be nutritious and nutritious. For baking use various devices: a sleeve, a foil, pots or other refractory form. From simple ingredients it is possible to prepare an excellent casserole, in the manner of the "Belarusian grandmother".



  1. Bacon cut into a cube and put it on a hot frying pan.
  2. Add chopped onion, brown to golden brown.
  3. Potato grate, mix with egg, sour cream and flour. Salt and pepper.
  4. Mix the frying with the potato base, distribute in an oily form.
  5. Baked delicious potatoes in the oven for an hour at 180.

Rustic potatoes in the oven - recipe

Baked potatoes in the oven lobules are very delicious, delicious, crunchy and soft, slightly loose inside. To get an exceptionally correct dish, the tubers should be dry before adding seasonings. Paprika in the recipe is needed for the formation of a bright, mouth-watering color.



  1. Peel potatoes, cut into 4-6 lobules.
  2. Well dry, salt.
  3. Mix the butter with spices, cover well with a mixture of potato slices, spread on parchment.
  4. Baked potatoes in the oven for 30 minutes or until golden brown at 190 degrees.

Potatoes in the sleeve in the oven

Baked potatoes in the oven in the sleeve are guaranteed to come out tasty and soft. Meat components, many spices and some not very watery vegetables are often added to the dish. To treat came with an appetizing crust, the package is cut in 10-15 minutes until ready. From the kilogram of potatoes will be 6 full servings of a hearty side dish.



  1. Peel potatoes, cut into slices.
  2. Mix chopped greens, oil, chopped garlic, salt, spices.
  3. Cover the potatoes with marinade, put in a bag and seal on both sides.
  4. In the sleeve make a few punctures. The potatoes are baked in the oven for 50 minutes.
  5. Cut the package and cook the dish for another 15 minutes.

Potatoes baked in the oven in foil

Deliciously tasty potatoes in the oven with a crisp crust will come out if 15 minutes before the envelope is ready to print and bring the dish to a high heat or grill. Spices can be selected, following their own taste, for piquant taste, add red pepper, paprika and dried garlic, they will make the food especially fragrant.



  1. Peel the potatoes, cut them large.
  2. Season with spices, butter, transfer into an envelope made of foil.
  3. Baking dishes from potatoes in the oven will last 50 minutes, 10 minutes before the readiness, unfold the envelope and brown the pieces.

Potatoes with meat in the oven

Pork ribs with potatoes in the oven - a nourishing dish, which is enough for a large company. To prepare the ingredients of the dish at the same time, meat should be cooked for a couple of hours before cooking. The best sauce in this case is a mixture of lemon juice, olive oil and an abundance of spices. Bake a treat in foil, sleeve or in any other refractory form.



  1. Cut the ribs into small portions. Sprinkle with dried herbs, chili garlic and and pour lemon juice. Leave for 2 hours.
  2. Potatoes must be cleaned, cut into 4 parts. Salt, season with spices.
  3. In an oily form, distribute potatoes, onion rings and cover with pickled ribs.
  4. Bake the potatoes with ribs in the oven for at least an hour at 200 degrees, covering the dishes with foil.
  5. At the end of the time, the foil is removed and the dish is cooked for 15 minutes.

Potatoes with bacon in the oven

The potato baked with bacon in the oven is an excellent portioned dish, which can be served to each guest separately. It is better to take salo with a meat layer and not salted, and choose a large, starchy potato. In the process of cooking, fat will be heated from the fat and impregnate the tubers, as a result, the treat will not come out dry.



  1. Wash potatoes, do not need to clean.
  2. Make a cut in the tubers without dividing it to the end.
  3. Salo slice with slices.
  4. Lubricate with chopped garlic cuts inside the potatoes, salt, season with spices.
  5. Put a piece of fat into the notches, wrap each portion in foil.
  6. The potato is baked in the oven for 25 minutes at 190.

Potato "accordion" in the oven

The most delicious stuffed potatoes in the oven are prepared in the form of an accordion. You can fill the tubers with lard, bacon, but a very interesting dish is filled with fragrant oil with herbs and garlic. Bake the potato portionwise in a foil envelope, vegetables you will need large, oblong oval shape.



  1. Wash potatoes, do not clean.
  2. Mix garlic, vegetable oil, chopped greens and spices.
  3. Cut the tubers, with an interval of not more than 1 cm.
  4. Lubricate with a fragrant mixture of each potato, promazyvaya each incision.
  5. In each incision, put a piece of butter, wrap each potato in foil.
  6. Bake for 25 minutes at 190. For 5 minutes, unfold the envelope.

Young potatoes in the oven

Young potatoes baked in the oven - a dish that must be cooked for every cook. The food is prepared very quickly, the result is always excellent. You do not need to clean the tubers, the main aromatic mixture of butter and spices is prepared in advance. To such potatoes and hot it is not necessary to prepare, enough and vegetable salad.



  1. Rinse the potatoes, cut them in half, dry them.
  2. Mix the butter with spices and garlic cloves.
  3. Thoroughly oil all tubers with fragrant oil, distribute on a baking sheet.
  4. The potatoes are baked in the oven for 20 minutes or until a rustic crust.

Potatoes in French in the oven

Potatoes and cheese in the oven in French - it's Graten. The dish comes out deliciously tasty, satisfying and self-sufficient. In the modern version it is filled with meat, mushrooms and various vegetables, but in the classical variation, the treat goes worthy of a solemn menu. The main highlight of the gratin is a sauce with a nutmeg aroma.



  1. In butter, fry garlic, pour in dairy products, season with nutmeg.
  2. Cut potatoes in circles, distribute in oily form, season with salt and season with pepper.
  3. Pour cream sauce, sprinkle with cheese.
  4. Bake for 20 minutes at 180.

Potatoes in pots in the oven

Bake potatoes with chicken in the oven can be in pots. Often supplemented by a variety of fresh vegetables, mushrooms, cheese. For a piquant aroma of onions, it is best to marinate in vinegar beforehand. The dish will be completely self-sufficient, you can serve it to each guest separately. This amount of ingredients is enough to fill 4 pots.



  1. Cut the fillet into small pieces, fry in oil.
  2. Separately brown the mushroom plates.
  3. In the pots distribute the layers of potato slices, butter, chicken, onions, mushrooms.
  4. Cover with mugs of tomatoes and grated cheese.
  5. Bake under the lid for 30 minutes at 190.