Liquor from the currant in the home

Liquor is an alcoholic drink with a rich aroma and a tart taste. Especially tasty and fragrant it turns out from a currant. To make it yourself can be quite easy: it is only necessary to have patience and the necessary products.

Recipe for liquor from black currant



Berry carefully sorted, processed from twigs, washed and dried. Leaves of currants put in a bowl and rub it with a good tempter. Three-liter bottle beforehand washed, dried, we put on the bottom of the berries, leaves and pour all the vodka. We close the container with a lid and put it away in a warm place. We insist on liquor from the currant in the home about 6 weeks. After this time, take a deep pan, fill it with filtered water, throw sugar and put the mixture on the fire. Stirring, bring the syrup to a boil and cook for 10 minutes, and then cool. Contain the contents of the bottle through gauze in a bowl, add sweet syrup and stir the drink to a uniform color. We pour liquor on glass bottles and clog them with lids.

Liquor from red currant



Berries are processed and laid out in a glass clean container. Leaves are broken into several parts, thrown into a jar and poured with vodka. We cover the container with a lid and insist 5 weeks in a warm place. After that, filter the liquid several times to get rid of the berry pomace.

Now take the pot, pour the water, throw the sugar, put the dishes on the middle fire and, stirring, bring the syrup to the boil. Cook it for 10 minutes, and then cool. We connect both liquids, mix and dispense the homemade liquor in bottles.

Recipe for liquor from the currant in a hurry



Currants are sorted, rinsed and thrown into a saucepan. Add the prepared leaves, pour boiled water, cover with a lid and we insist the mixture 12 hours. Then we filter the drink, throw sugar and lemon juice. Boil the liquid, and then remove it from the heat and cool it. Introduce the vodka, stir and remove the liquor from the currant, cooked quickly at home in the refrigerator for only 2 hours.

Recipe for liquor from the currant in the home



Put a washed currant in a deep saucepan and cover the berry with 500 grams of sugar. Next, pour in filtered water and thoroughly knead all the ingredients with a blender to a puree state. Cover the dishes with gauze and leave to wander for a week. Every day we mix the mass, and for the last 4 days, we pour a little sugar every time. The finished liquor is poured into a bottle, closed with a lid and we make a hole in it, inserting a special tube, thanks to which the berry cake will gradually settle to the bottom. After 3 days, fall asleep the remaining sugar, carefully shake the drink and insist for 3 more weeks. Ready liqueur filtered, poured and cleaned in the refrigerator.

How to make liqueur from currant and grapes?



Grapes and currants are sorted, washed and individually passed through a juicer. The resulting grape juice is heated in a saucepan to 35 degrees, pour sugar and mix. After dissolving all the crystals, add the currant juice, close the lid and send the mixture to a dark place for 10 days for fermentation, stirring every day. After that, strain the liquid, pour in the vodka and pour the liquor from the currant over the bottles.