Rum cocktail with mint and lime

A rum cocktail with mint and lime or, so-called mojito, is extremely popular and has long established the status of a world famous beverage. And if you have not tried the harmonious combination of components in this cocktail, we recommend to cook it at home and enjoy the divine, refreshing taste of the drink.

The recipe for a classic cocktail of mojito from rum with mint, lime, cane sugar and soda



Preparing the cocktail, rinse the lime fruit, wipe it dry, cut into slices and put it into a glass. Then throw the leaves of mint, sprinkle cane sugar and grind the contents with a pistil or crush until separation of juice and the maximum opening of the aromas of mint and lime.

Now crush the ice cubes, put them in a glass and pour rum and soda. We serve rum cocktail immediately, decorating with lime slice and a sprig of mint.

Cocktail of rum, mint and lime with sugar syrup



To prepare the necessary amount of sugar syrup, three tea spoons of granulated sugar are mixed in a scoop with the same amount of water and warmed, stirring, to a boil and dissolve all the sweet crystals. When ready, let the syrup cool completely.

The washed lime is cut into slices, we put it into a glass, add the leaves of fresh mint and rub it all carefully with a pestle or a crush. Add the crushed ice to the crumb, pour in the prepared sugar syrup, tonic and rum, decorate the cocktail with a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint and immediately serve.

Rum cocktail with mint, lime and strawberries



In a glass we throw slices of washed and dried lime, washed strawberries without tails, leaves of fresh mint and we grind the ingredients with a pestle or a crush. Now fill the glass with ice, pour strawberry syrup, white rum and soda or sprite, add a cocktail of mint leaves and a strawberry and immediately serve.