How to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fears?

Very many people are prone to obsessive fears, most of which are irrational. To say exactly what percentage of adults are afraid of cockroaches or altitude is not possible, because most hide it. But if this starts to interfere with normal life, a person involuntarily has to decide how to get rid of obsessive fears .

Unless we are talking about the fact that the nervous state has already become a neurosis, a person can get rid of obsessive fear himself. Psychologists advise exercises that allow you to understand how to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fears.

You need to admit your fear. Everyone has the right to be afraid of something, no one is an exception. Many people were afraid of something, something stupid. For example, Napoleon was afraid of horses. Therefore, the human fear of spiders is no worse and no better.

The problem is not in fear, but in its intensity. If a person cries out, when a wolfhound suddenly snaps at him with a snarl, it's nothing. It's bad when he is constantly afraid of attacking a hypothetical Pekingese. It is very dangerous, if from fear people fall into a stupor and this sometimes happens, for example, on a busy street. Then the question of how to get rid of obsessive thoughts and states is vital.

You need to take a piece of paper and write your own fear (for example, fear of dogs or speaking at a meeting). And then answer in writing the same questions: What happens if something happens that I'm afraid of? Than it threatens me? What should I do then? Then you can see that everything is not so scary.

There is no need to hope that you can get rid of fear. This is impossible, and it is not necessary. Just need to reduce fear and take it under control.

Find a way how to get rid of obsessive thoughts in your head - to get distracted. Consider your hands, shoes, leaves in the trees, clouds in the sky. Concentrate on something momentarily necessary or just very important.

It happens that thoughts persistently return all the same. The object of obsession can be not only fear, but also passion. Ruptured relationships, from which one can not escape in any way, is an example of such a problem when you do not know how to get rid of negative obsessions about a failed life, full of grief and loneliness ahead, and so on.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts about a man?

  1. Do not inspire yourself that on it the light wedge came together. Nothing like this! There is better than he, and even much better.
  2. Distracted by what is happening around him. Pronounce: here is a sparrow sitting in a puddle, here the child is walking along the curb ...
  3. Distract, so to speak, globally: do charity, become a volunteer. The sight of other people's suffering helps people survive their own: it is useful sometimes to remember that there are people who are much worse.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts about death?

Thanatophobia is an excruciating trouble, but it can be taken under control if you do not give it the will over yourself. It is necessary to think about what is important right now. Try to turn to the experience of different religions. To be engaged in charity.

There is another way, suitable in this case. One day, sitting at home, try my best to be afraid. Even cry. Describe in detail all the horror that you have to experience. The intensity of fear after this will go to the loss: a person as if "takes off" in plenty.

If fears and obsessions do not pass, their cause may be stress. If such a situation develops, it is best to consult a doctor and undergo treatment for stress. One must remember: fear destroys health.