Trichophytosis in humans

Trichophytosis in humans (ringworm, dermatophytosis) is a disease whose causative agent is the trichophyton fungus. Carriers of ringworm can be both people and domestic animals, and the disease transmitted from the animal, runs much heavier.

Ways of human infection with trichophytosis

In order to protect yourself from infection, you need to know what trichophytosis is, and how the disease is transmitted.

The way of transferring ringworm is contact-household. A person becomes infected by direct contact with a patient (animal or other person), and also through objects that are contaminated with a fungus. However, it is noticed that infection does not always happen. Susceptibility is increased if the following factors exist:

Two basic forms of trichophytosis are distinguished:

  1. Superficial dermatophytosis usually develops in children as a result of infection with anthroponous dermatitis transmitted from a sick person.
  2. Infiltrative-suppuration is manifested in people infected with zoonotic parasites transmitted mainly from animals.

Symptoms of trichophytosis in humans

Ringworm affects the skin, scalp and nail plates. On the spot where the pathogen penetrated the body, a pink round spot forms. Gradually, the number of such formations increases. For the trichophytotic spots, characteristic are small ridges of small bubbles that create contours, and peeling of the skin inside the formations. Most often in the affected area, we feel an itch.

When the fungus affects the scalp, the hair becomes dull and brittle, gradually thinning. Affected nails in the patient become dirty gray, crumble.

For the infiltrative-suppuration form are characteristic:

In case of complication, the hair follicles fester and ulcerate, after healing, scars are formed. When the inguinal region is affected, the inflamed skin is often cracked.

Treatment of trichophytosis in humans

Treatment of human trichophytosis is carried out taking into account the form and severity of the disease. A definite result is the smearing of the skin with iodine and sulfur-salicylic ointment . However, in order to completely get rid of the pathogenic fungus, it is recommended to use antimycotic agents:

Have a good curative effect are drugs:

For effective therapy, they should be used systemically, in accordance with the instructions attached to the drug.