Chicken rolls with prunes

Chicken rolls with prunes - an original and elegant appetizer, which always decorates and diversifies any table. Such a delicious dish will please your loved ones, and a piquant sweet stuff will not leave anyone indifferent.

Rolls of chicken with prunes



How to cook chicken rolls with prunes? We process the bulb, melkko shinkuem and passeruem in oil, podlivy to taste, to ruddy color. Prunes are scalded with boiling water, crushed, and cheese kneaded with a fork and mix everything with an onion. Meat washed, dried, cut each piece into 3 parts and rub it with spices. For each layer, put a little stuffing, roll up rolls and fix toothpicks. Now put the blanks in the mold and bake chicken rolls with prunes in the oven until the crust appears.

Chicken rolls with prunes and nuts



Chicken breast is washed, dried with napkins and cut into plates. Then each piece of meat is poured, peppered, sprinkled with seasonings and cleaned for half an hour in the fridge. This time we prepare the prunes: my it and fill it with steep boiling water. Leave the dried fruit for 20 minutes, so that they are properly steamed. Walnuts are cleaned and crushed with a knife, and fresh parsley is rinsed, shaken and chopped. Garlic clean, put in a blender, add all previously prepared ingredients and whisk at medium speed. Cut the prunes into pieces and mix with the chopped mixture. Add a little mayonnaise and mix everything thoroughly. On the chicken fillet lay out the filling, roll up the roll and smear on top with sour cream and mayonnaise. We fix the edges with toothpicks and lay the workpieces on a baking tray. We cook the dish for about 25 minutes in a preheated oven.

Chicken rolls with prunes and cheese



Chicken breast is processed and cut into fillets. Then cut the meat along and lightly beat off, previously covering the top with food foil. The resulting chops sprinkle with spices and leave to marinate. We rub the cheese on a large grater, chop the prunes with a small knife, and chop the walnuts in a blender. All the ingredients for the filling are mixed in a bowl. For chicken blanks, we spread the prepared mixture, roll up the roll and fry in a skillet with oil.

Chicken rolls with prunes and dried apricots



Dried apricots and prunes in a small amount of hot water and leave to soak for 15 minutes. Then the liquid is drained, the dried fruits are dried and cut into halves. The fillet is cut along, covered with a film and beaten with a hammer. Next, the meat seasoned with spices to taste and evenly sprinkled with gelatin. Now put a little stuffing on the chicken slices, roll up the rolls and fix the edges with a toothpick. Each piece is wrapped in foil, spread on a baking sheet and baked in a preheated oven for 40 minutes.