Yeast pies fried in a frying pan

We are pleased with the lovers of flour products and tell you how to make delicious fried pies from yeast dough.

Fried patties with cottage cheese from yeast dough


For filling:


We sift the flour, mix it with dry yeast, sprinkle sugar, salt and stir. In another bowl, mix warm milk with melted margarine and butter. We connect the two masses together and knead the dough. We remove it in warmth.

We make a stuffing - we curd cottage cheese with sugar. At your discretion, you can add crushed berries, for example, strawberries or raspberries. When the dough has approached, we divide it into pieces, roll balls out of them, make cakes, on the middle of which we put the filling and join the edges. Fry our blanks in hot oil.

Patties of yeast dough with potatoes fried in a frying pan


For filling:


In warm water, dissolve the yeast, pour in the sugar, salt, pour in the oil and mix it all. Sift flour, add yeast to it, stir and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Quickly we knead the dough until the elastic state.

We boil the potatoes, drain the water, mash it in mashed potatoes, pour in the cream, put the butter, add salt and stir.

From the dough we form balls, turn them into flat cakes, put stuffing in the center, we patch the edges. We put the workpieces in a frying pan with heated oil and cook until red. Fry yeast pies with potatoes spread first on the napkins to remove excess fat, and only then put in a bowl.

Fried pies from yeast dough with meat


For filling:


For stuffing, forcemeat fry in a frying pan, excess fat is drained. Put the finely chopped onions and stew with minced meat until transparent. Solim, pepper and let the mass cool. Yeast is mixed in warm water and put into heat until foam forms. We drive eggs into warm milk, put sugar, salt, butter and whisk carefully. In a bowl pour about half of the sifted flour, slowly pour in the milk mixture and knead the dough. Add the remaining flour and yeast. Mesem dough, so that it lags well from the tank. We leave it, covered with a napkin, for lifting. After it comes up twice, tear off small pieces, turn them into thin cakes. At the center we put minced meat with onions, the edges are fastened together. We give the pieces to stand for a quarter of an hour, and then fry them in oil. Yeast patties, fried in a frying pan, leave rather fat. And so immediately from the frying pan we place them on paper napkins, thus removing excess fat.