Parents of the husband

Almost every representative of the fair sex, wearing an engagement ring on her ring finger, is forced to communicate not only with the newly-made husband, but also with all his relatives. Certainly, the most important people in a husband's life are his parents. And the warmer the relationship between the new relatives, the stronger the family itself.

To establish good relations with the father-in-law and with the mother-in-law is an important matter for the newly-made wife. Not every representative of the fair sex is ready to say that she and her mother-in-law are best friends. This situation is extremely rare. But every woman should learn how to maintain warm and friendly contact with her husband's parents. In this article we will tell you how to get along with your mother-in-law and establish good relations with her.

Secrets of good relations between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law:

  1. A young family should live separately from the parents of the husband. This is the most important rule in which most conflicts relate. Being under one roof and sharing a kitchen, the mother-in-law (or the father-in-law) and the daughter-in-law soon find a lot of reasons for hassles and quarrels. And, often the relationship of her husband and mother-in-law are built in such a way that the husband does not climb into these quarrels and does not protect his wife. This is the reason for disagreements between the spouses, which, too, does not lead to anything good. Therefore, psychologists strongly recommend not to live with her husband's parents. If you do not want to listen to the advice and instructions of your mother-in-law, try not to use it for the household and children. Putting on the shoulders of the mother-in-law care of children or about anything else, you, in any case, will constantly listen to her point of view. Even if you think differently, it is unlikely that you will be able to convince your mother-in-law. In this situation, conflicts even happen with a very good mother-in-law.
  2. Congratulate your husband's parents on all holidays . If it's hard for you to remember, start a graph in your daily schedule, which will detail when you should call your relatives.
  3. Do not limit the communication between mother-in-law and the child. Children, as a rule, need to communicate with their grandparents, and they absolutely do not want to delve into the essence of quarrels and conflicts between adults. Regularly visiting the parents of the husband with the children, you provide a good relationship with them.
  4. Try to make sure that your husband's parents and your own parents find a common language. When the parents of the husband and wife get along with each other, there are more reasons for family feasts, which also has a good effect on the unity of the family.

It is sad, but in 90% of cases, those families who are forced to live with their husband's parents can not avoid conflicts. A few months after the wedding many wives attend the thought that their mother-in-law hates her daughter-in-law and finds fault with her. So it or not, it's difficult to define. But in any case, the daughter-in-law should to change their attitude to their mother-in-law and to the situation in order to make skirmishes more rare.

Since living with your mother-in-law can be difficult, you should initially think through the options to leave as early as possible. This does not need to be embarrassed to talk to her husband, then the problem will be resolved sooner. It happens that the relationship between relatives is so heated that the daughter-in-law soon complains to her friends that her mother-in-law has expelled her. Naturally, you should not allow this, because the relations, which were initially corrupted, are in many cases not rehabilitated. Therefore, it is better to follow folk wisdom and love relatives at a distance.