Sesame - calorie content

Sesame is one of the most popular condiments that was known to man thousands of years ago, and already then the useful properties of this unusual spice were appreciated. Nowadays sesame is added to various flour products, salads, sauces, sesame oil , which is famous for its unique healing effect.

Useful properties of sesame

Sesame is able to help our body in the fight against various diseases. Let's list the most significant properties of this overseas spice:

Also, this spice has an easy laxative effect, but using it, you should still remember that the caloric content of sesame seeds is high enough, so if you follow its weight, you should not abuse this delicacy. But if you eat a day only 10 g of seeds of this plant, you can replenish the lack of lime in the body.

How many calories are in sesame seeds?

The high caloric value of sesame is due to the fact that the seeds of this plant contain a huge amount of oil, so the seeds are half composed of fat. As a rule, the amount of calories in sesame depends on the place and conditions of cultivation and on average 100 g is 570 kcal, although for the oilseed crops, which include sesame, this is a rather low figure.