Spray from sore throat

The pain in the throat is badly tolerated not only by children, but also by adults. Inability to swallow, to eat normally, and sometimes to talk violates all plans. It is believed that sprays from sore throat help most effectively. Probably, that's why they are available in almost every home.

Which spray best suits the pain in the throat?

The popularity of sprays is easily explained. This complex agent, which has antiseptic, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, most drugs act symptomatically and for a long time - that is, instantly eliminates discomfort and keeps this condition for several hours.

Choosing a spray for sore throat is a fairly responsible process. All the medicines presented in pharmacies are good in their own way. But despite this, it is still necessary to select the right medicine individually. The choice depends mainly on what exactly the medicine is to fight. Important and physiological characteristics of the patient:

  1. With common viral infections, it is best to fight with potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents.
  2. Diseases of bacterial origin should be treated with aerosols-antiseptics, which contain antibiotics.
  3. From the chronic ailments sprays are exempted, which have an irrigating, enveloping and softening effect.

The most effective sprays for sore throat

The choice of means today is really great. The most effective of them are:

  1. Lugol is a well-known medicine. At the heart of its composition is an iodine solution. It is usually used to treat children, but adult spray can also be used. It is most rational to apply it with angina . Spray Lugol oropharynx from two to six times a day. This is a good spray from the pain in the throat, which besides efficiency, boasts a very democratic price.
  2. The composition of Aqualora includes components that are very often added to the rinses. The spray is able to quickly remove from the throat pathogens, eliminate the feeling of discomfort. But it is recommended to use it in parallel with more powerful means.
  3. When the throat hurts, you can use the TeraFlu spray. Its composition includes lidocaine, so that the drug is very effective in relieving pain.
  4. In the composition of Stopengina - vegetable oils, hexetidine and levomenthol. You can use it not only from angina, but also with pharyngitis, laryngitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Thanks to a powerful antiseptic and antifungal action, Stopangin is actively used in dentistry.
  5. Bioparox is a spray from a sore throat with an antibiotic. This is a powerful tool that copes with neglected forms of the disease. Therefore, it is not advisable to apply it with reddening of the throat or appearance of perspiration. The huge benefits of the drug - it is not absorbed into the blood and is not addictive.
  6. Ingalipt has been around for a long time, but still remains popular due to its effectiveness. The medicine consists of mint, eucalyptus, thymol and glycerol. A pleasant taste of aerosol relieves pain, eliminates perspiration and prevents the mucous membrane from drying out.
  7. Another effective spray from the pain in the throat is Tantum Verde . Faster than most of its analogs, this remedy removes puffiness. It acts directly on the tissues affected by pathogenic microorganisms.
  8. With fungal lesions of the throat, Geoxoral perfectly manages. Assign it mainly for purulent and febrile ailments of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. Apply the spray no more than twice a day.