Marble manicure

The technician of nail design is a huge number. Recently, more and more popular is the marble manicure - a simple technique, also called "water manicure." Creating unusual, unique patterns on nails with the help of varnishes of several colors and ordinary water does not require any special skills. Enough of your imagination and a bit of accuracy.

What is needed for marble manicure?

First of all, you will need a convenient water tank. It should be shallow, wide, and for beginners it is best to use transparent dishes. Lacquer base and several varnishes of different colors for mixing should not be quick-drying, otherwise you run the risk of not being able to make a beautiful drawing. Also necessary are toothpicks for mixing, napkins, cotton wool discs, nail polish remover and greasy hand cream. Having prepared everything you need, you can start creating your own unique design.

How to make a marble manicure at home?

So, everything you need is prepared, so you can proceed. It should be noted in advance that water should be at room temperature; In hot water the varnish is curtailed, and in cold it will not undertake. Varnish for water manicure is desirable matte, match colors, matching with each other. A thin brush of varnish will make the process easier and make the picture more interesting. Be sure to note that the varnish should be of good quality and liquid enough. You can also use paint for nail design.

  1. Cover the nails with a base varnish. Perfectly the most light tone of the chosen colors will suit. Be sure to wait until the varnish as it dries.
  2. Kutikulu and the skin around the nail properly lubricate with greasy cream or petroleum jelly, making sure not to touch the nail. If the cream gets on the nail, the marble pattern will not take place at this point, so be careful and attentive. Subsequently, the excess varnish remaining on the finger after immersion is easily removed with a normal napkin.
  3. Alternately, drip lacquer on the surface of the water. Remember that the color, the drop of which was the first, will prevail in your manicure. Use no more than 4 varnishes, you can drip alternately drop in a drop or nearby. There should be 4-8 drops in total.
  4. We take a toothpick (needle, hairpin, anything sharp and thin) and start making divorces. Time for this you have seconds 30-40, until the lacquer is seized by the film. Feel free to fantasize and paint on the water as your imagination tells you.
  5. In the resulting pattern, choose the most liked place and quickly lower the fingernail parallel to the surface of the water in the tank for 20 seconds. While the nail is under the water, collect the remains of the varnish from the surface using a cotton swab, and then gently remove the finger from the water.
  6. With a napkin, you can easily remove any lacquer left on your finger, if it was previously well lubricated with a cream. If necessary, use a nail polish remover.
  7. While the coating is a bit raw, you can decorate the resulting pattern with sequins or micro dust. Then apply the final layer of fixer, which will last longer the beauty of your manicure.

Repeat the procedure for all nails without changing the water, but each time removing excess lacquer from the surface. Although the process requires time, patience, accuracy and a large consumption of varnishes, the result is worth it. Water manicure on short nails looks just as impressive as on long nails. Dare, experiment with flowers and divorces, enjoy the beauty of your hands, made without visiting the masters of expensive salons.