Dry diet

Dry diet is a special food system, which is different in that, during it, contrary to the standard advice of doctors on this occasion, you do not need to drink a lot of water. On the contrary, in this case, it needs to be consumed little. This is a diet for quick weight loss , during which kilograms and melt, but only to keep such results is quite difficult.

Dry food: results

Weight in this system is reduced due to the fact that the body is dried, remaining without the usual amount of liquid. This allows you to quickly achieve good results, for example, before an important event. However, the weight loss will quickly return as soon as you start eating as usual, as the body will certainly restore the necessary moisture reserve. Do not try to use this system for long-term results!

Dry diet: the rules

The rules of such a diet are incredibly simple and understandable. It is necessary to exclude bread and sugar, as well as all fatty, fried and smoked, and also remove salt. You simply can not stand a diet if you do not use this rule.

Restrictions are no more, but if you stick to the proposed diet, then the effect will be more vivid:

  1. Breakfast : oatmeal, steamed with a glass of boiling water with grated apple (salt and sugar can not be added).
  2. Afternoon snack : a salad of fresh vegetables with lemon juice dressing.
  3. Lunch : a serving of vegetable soup without meat broth.
  4. Dinner : a glass of kefir 1% fat.

As you can see, water and salty products are excluded here, which make you want to drink, but there are fluids in the diet! It is strictly prohibited to exclude them altogether, as this is not safe for health.

You can stick to such a diet for 2-3 days, no more. As a result, it will take up to 2.5-3 kilograms, and with a large amount of excess weight - up to 4 kg.