Mask for hair from kefir - 8 recipes for beauty and health of curls

In some cases, the mask for hair from kefir helps much better than expensive means or salon procedures. Domestic curl treatment has been practiced for a long time, and numerous positive reviews of folk recipes only confirm their effectiveness.

Kefir for hair - benefit

This sour milk product has a beneficial effect not only on the stomach, but also has a good reputation as a cosmetology tool. How useful is kefir for hair? It has a lot of vitamins and trace elements. Milk protein strengthens hair bulbs and prevents the loss of curls. Vitamins give shine, make hair obedient and promote their fast growth. The great advantage of kefir is that it fits all.

Kefir for oily hair

Even a simple mask for kefir hair will give fatty hair extra volume and lively shine. The product perfectly cares for the locks of this type. Kefir for hair, prone to fat, good because it does not allow rapid contamination, removes unpleasant shine and controls the work of the sebaceous glands. Responsibility for all of the above effects are organic acids. The latter are stored in large quantities in a low-fat sour-milk product.

Kefir for dry hair

The drink is suitable for dry curls. Hair after kefir look healthier and shiny, they are easier to comb. This is due to the fact that the product improves blood circulation, and the roots receive more oxygen, and with it the right amount of nutrients. As a result, the curls and the scalp are moistened.

Kefir for Hair - recipes

Cooking funds based on a sour milk product is easy. Almost all recipes include inexpensive ingredients, available at hand for each hostess. In this case, any mask for hair from kefir (regardless of the cost of components) is very effective. Positive changes, as a rule, become noticeable after the first use.

To make the kefir hair mask at home the most useful, you need to prepare it, observing a few simple rules:

  1. It is best to use a natural product.
  2. The ideal fat content of kefir is 2.5%. For dry hair, it is recommended to take a drink 3.2% or 6%, for fatty - 1% or fat-free.
  3. At the first use, the hair mask from kefir is applied to a small area of ​​the skin behind the ear and one knot. This will help to find out if the remedy causes an allergic reaction. If everything is in order, kefir can be used safely.
  4. To increase their effectiveness, the mask should be prepared on kefir, pre-heated in a water bath (the drink should be warm).
  5. It is desirable to apply funds to a dirty, slightly moistened head with water.

Clarifying hair with kefir

Mask for clarifying hair from kefir is effective, but it does not act as fast as aggressive means, so you will have to wait for the visible result. To quickly notice the change in the tone of the ringlets in several shades, it is advisable to use not the most fresh beverage - in it lactic acid is contained in the maximum concentration. The simplest recipe for thin light brown hair is kefir with water. The ingredients are mixed and applied to curls for two hours. At this time, the head needs to be wrapped in plastic wrap.

How to lighten hair with kefir and cinnamon?

Ingredients :

Preparation and use

  1. Mix cinnamon with water. The powder should be added gradually to the liquid, so that it does not take up lumps.
  2. Kefir poured into the resulting homogeneous mass.
  3. In the final, liquid honey is added. It is necessary for the mass to become slightly thicker.
  4. Apply a mask for hair with kefir and honey for a couple of hours. At the same time with a heater - a polyethylene cap - from the whole time of the procedure you need to walk only 30-40 minutes.
  5. Rinse off the mask with warm water.

Kefir mask for colored hair

Regular use of the paint makes the hair weaker, less shiny. Most of the strands suffer if the staining is carried out at home, but there is one way how to save curls, restore them a healthy look and natural beauty - a kefir mask. Do it at least two times a week. The procedure not only improves the appearance of the strands, but also improves them from the inside.

Mask for hair with yogurt and egg

Ingredients :

Preparation and use

  1. Mix the fermented milk product with olive oil.
  2. Add the yolk and carefully beat the future mask.
  3. Hair comb.
  4. Mask put on the palms, distribute the strands and gently rub into the root zone.
  5. Cover the head with food film or cellophane package, and cover it with a warm handkerchief or towel.
  6. After half an hour "construction" to disassemble and wash the hair with shampoo with balm or conditioner.

Cleanser for hair at home with kefir

Even the specialists-hairdressers admit the use of a sour-milk drink. In addition, it is possible to effectively wash off the dye from the hair with kefir, thanks to the biologically active additives and lactic acid bacteria contained therein it will help to strengthen the roots of the locks, restore the damaged parts of the epidermis and cure the microcracks (if any).

Hair wash with kefir and soda

Ingredients :

Preparation and use

  1. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Heat the wash to 40 degrees.
  3. Evenly distribute the product on the head and wrap it with polyethylene and a warm towel.
  4. Keep the mask for 2 hours. Because of vodka, tingling or tingling can be felt - these are normal phenomena.
  5. After washing, the hair should lighten by one shade.

Kefir mask for hair growth

In this sour-milk product there are many useful substances that well influence the condition of the hair and scalp. In addition, kefir for hair growth is applied. Vitamins and minerals contained in the drink penetrate deep into the roots, nourish the bulbs, strengthen the strands. After a few procedures it will be noticed that the curls became thicker and stronger.

Mask for hair with yogurt and cocoa

Ingredients :

Preparation and use

  1. Mix all the ingredients in one vessel.
  2. Apply on roots and distribute in strands.
  3. Rinse off after an hour. It is possible without the use of shampoo.
  4. Blondes do not do this mask - it can make hair darker.

Henna with kefir for hair

Ingredients :

Preparation and use

  1. Such a mask does not suit blondes - henna can stain strands.
  2. Garlic finely chopped or crushed.
  3. Mix the ingredients carefully.
  4. The mask can turn out thick. To slightly dilute it, you should add kefir.
  5. Keep the product on your hair you need at least half an hour.
  6. Rinse off with warm water.
  7. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Kefir from hair loss

Due to the large number of minerals and trace elements, the hair after using the fermented milk becomes less brittle, more dense, more docile. Useful substances penetrate deeply into the roots and nourish the curls from the inside, which makes them stronger. Positive changes will become visible after the first application of the product - the hair after combing on the brush will remain much less.

Mask for hair with yeast and yogurt

Ingredients :

Preparation and use

  1. Mix kefir with yeast and put in a water bath.
  2. You should not warm the mask for more than 30 minutes.
  3. The foam formed on the mixture is applied to the hair.
  4. Keep the mask for 40 minutes.
  5. For washing it is desirable to use not only shampoo, but also conditioner.

Kefir mask for oily hair

To strengthen and nourish with vitamins curls of fatty type, do not even need a complex mask for hair with kefir at home. All you need is to warm up the product until it cools, cool to room temperature and spread over the strands. Do not forget massaging movements rub the product into the roots and scalp. On top of the head should be covered with a cotton cloth. Keep the mask for 40 minutes - hour. Repeat the procedure no more than three times a week.

Kefir mask for dandruff

Coping with dandruff sour milk product is very simple. The best remedy is a pure drink. Often used mask for hair with kefir and oils. It is prepared easily - you just need to add a few drops of ether to the liquid. The procedure continues for up to an hour (the optimal time is half an hour), and rinse off with a mild shampoo that does not contain parabens.