Potato casserole with mushrooms

Potato casserole with mushrooms is a nutritious and rather original dish that perfectly diversifies your daily table and will cause admiration among the household.

Lenten potato casserole with mushrooms



So, first we clean potatoes, rinse it, fill it with filtered water, add salt and boil it to softness. Next, the liquid is gently poured into a glass and mashed vegetable into a homogeneous puree. Champignons washed, processed and cut into large slices. After that, fry the mushrooms in olive oil. When they lightly darken, add to them chopped onions and spices. We mix the prepared vegetable mixture with a blender. Form for baking is smeared with oil and spread evenly a little mashed potatoes. Then cover with a uniform layer of the vegetable mixture and put the rings cut into tomatoes. Sprinkle everything with chopped parsley and cover with the remaining potatoes. The top of the casserole is smeared with lean mayonnaise and baked for 40 minutes in the oven.

Recipe for potato casserole with pickled mushrooms



Peeled potatoes are washed, cut in half and boiled in salted water. Then drain the liquid and let the vegetable through the meat grinder. We process the bulb, shred the cubes and pass it on the oil. Mushrooms thrown in a colander, and then grind them in small pieces. We combine potato stuffing with mushrooms, add the fried onions and mix everything thoroughly. Greens are rinsed, dried and chopped with a knife. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and add them together with herbs in a potato-mushroom mixture, salting to taste. After this, we take clay pots, lay out the vegetable mass, spread it and sprinkle it with grated cheese. Add the pieces of oil and send the pots to the oven for 45 minutes. A ready potato casserole with pickled mushrooms is slightly cooled and served.

Potato casserole with minced mushrooms



For cooking potato casserole with mushrooms minced meat fry in oil until half cooked. Then put it in a separate plate, and wipe the frying pan with a paper towel and melt a piece of butter. Next lay out the champignons cut into plates, chopped onions and garlic. Salting to taste, stir and pass for 15 minutes, stirring. Now sprinkle a little flour, pour gradually chicken broth and bring the sauce to a boil. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, and then add a few spoons of thick cream and roasted minced meat. All thoroughly mix, warm up a few minutes and remove from heat. We clean the potato, wash it until it is ready. In the saucepan, warm up a little chicken broth, add the remaining cream, butter and squeezed garlic. Beat the boiled potatoes in a blender, adding the milk mixture and eggs to it. At the bottom of the form we lay out minced meat with mushrooms, then a layer of mashed potatoes and spread it all with a spoon. Sprinkle the top with grated cheese and bake the dish for 40 minutes in a preheated oven.