When to plant tomatoes on seedlings?

The question of the correct planting of tomatoes for seedlings is very relevant for all truck farmers. The answer to it depends on many factors: the region where tomatoes will be planted, the indications of the lunar calendar, and the duration of their maturation.

When to plant tomato seeds on seedlings?

The ripening period is different for different varieties of tomato. Depending on this division, they are classified into:

On average, the period from the start of planting seeds to the appearance of the first shoots is 18 days. Thus, taking into account the timing of maturation for different varieties of tomatoes , you can calculate the days for a better planting of their seeds. For example, by the maturation period of 110 days 18 are added and 128 days of total time are obtained for growing a certain tomato variety.

There is another option for determining the planting time for seedlings of tomato seeds. We calculate the time for planting a certain type of tomato in the open ground in accordance with the lunar calendar. For example, it will be April 19-21. From this date we take 60 days and get 19-21 February. In addition, we take away the time allotted for sprout seedling, and we get the final date for sowing seeds.

In what month should you plant the tomato seedlings?

For a certain area, its climate features are characteristic, which manifest themselves differently in certain months. Therefore, the choice of a month for sowing tomato seeds for seedlings is different for different regions:

On which moon to plant tomatoes on seedlings?

The lunar calendar of the truck farmer recommends seed sowing on the days when the Moon is in the first phase under the influence of the following signs: Libra, Scorpio, Aries, Cancer and Pisces. Taking into account the period of ripening, the time for planting seedlings of different varieties of tomatoes is:

Favorable is the planting of seedlings during the growing Moon, which falls on March 10-22, 2016.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in a greenhouse?

To plant tomatoes in a hotbed is recommended, when the soil becomes well heated. The threat of frosts finally recedes at the end of May. Seedlings can be transplanted into a greenhouse with a film shelter. In case the greenhouse is equipped with a polycarbonate shelter, the time for landing in the ground can be postponed to the middle of May.

It is recommended to transplant in the evening, in warm and cloudy weather. Seedlings are taken with a well-developed root system, with the presence of 5-7 leaflets, not overgrown in length.

Thus, taking into account all the above features, you will be able to determine the optimal time when planting tomatoes on seedlings.