Removal of adipes on the face

The adipose develops in the connective tissue as a result of the disturbance of metabolic processes. Subcutaneous formation can appear on any part of the body, including on the face. For women, the wen in a prominent place becomes the cause of serious feelings about his own appearance.

Ways to remove fat on the face

In modern medicine, there are two main methods of removing adipose tissue: surgical and medicamentous. With the surgical method, the adipose is separated from other tissues, with the medicamentous one, a drug is introduced into the site of the formation, which gradually dissolves the adipose tissue.

Surgical removal of adipocytes

Large adipose tissue is removed exclusively surgically. The traditional surgical method involves the use of local anesthesia. If the dimensions of education are large, then general anesthesia is used . The method of surgical intervention has a significant drawback - after the operation there is a rather noticeable scar, which is especially unpleasant in the case when the grease was on the face. So that after the removal of the lipoma there are no visible traces, the endoscopic method is applied, when the incision is made neither on the wen itself, but in a place that is easy to hide, for example, under the hairdress. With the help of an endoscope, a specialist "scoops up" fat tissue.

With electrocoagulation, the lipoma is removed by an electric current. During the procedure, the top layer of the skin is excised and the formation is carefully removed.

In recent years, the method of laser removal of adipocytes on the face has become increasingly popular. With this method, the laser beam affects the affected area pointwise. After removal of the wen by the laser, the skin on the face heals very quickly, complete regeneration of the tissues takes place.

Chemical Removal of Wen

With a medicamental or chemical method of removal, a specific preparation is inserted into the puncture made by a special needle. This method is effective, if the size of Wen's teeth is not more than 3 cm.

Removing Widow's Hearts on the face at home

A small wen can be removed using one of the folk remedies.

So get rid of the lipoma can be, if every day lubricate the problem area decoction of celandine . It is possible to remove the grease from the face with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, a cotton wool soaked in solution is applied to the formation overnight. The procedure is repeated until the disappearance of the unaesthetic formation. Also, for the information of the greasefish on the problem site, it is recommended to apply a fresh leaf of a golden mustache, fixing it on top with a medical plaster.