What kind of fruit can a baby have in 8 months?

Each mom wants to diversify the baby's diet as quickly as possible with delicious and unusually useful fruits. And this is one of the most common mistakes that parents make when introducing complementary foods. Excessive haste causes not only intestinal disorders and allergic rashes in the baby, but also a categorical rejection of crumbs from vegetables and cereals in the future.

After numerous studies and observations, pediatricians and nutritionists agreed: it is better to include the fruit in the baby's menu only after getting to know the main dishes, that is, not earlier than 6-8 months. As well as with other products, you need to do this gradually, given the seasonality, the reaction of the child's body and individual characteristics. But if we talk about what fruits can be given to a child for 8 months in general, then the priorities should be as follows.

Fruit for a child of 8 months

In the ration of crumbs, which turned 8 months old, there should already be delicious and healthy delicacies - fruits.

So, a half-year-old child can safely include a green apple in the menu. It can be cooked and crushed home-made purees or bought baby food in jars. By 8 months, the crumb can eat mashed potatoes prepared from a fresh apple, and if he already has at least a couple of teeth, then as a light snack, he can offer a piece of peeled fruit.

The source of vitamins and useful elements at this age can be a pear. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular and circulatory system, but it is contraindicated in children who suffer from constipation. Again, to get acquainted with delicacies, it is better to choose ready-made children's pierries, or cooked by all the rules, home-made meals.

If 8 months old baby turned summer, when the garden is full of fresh and safe vegetables and fruits, you can not deprive the child of such delicacies like peaches and apricots. These fruits, in terms of iron and other useful substances, at times exceed the same apple, so quickly eliminate the problem of beriberi in the child's body.

Also, talking about what kind of fruit can be given to a child at 8 months, we can not fail to mention bananas. This soft, sweet exotic fruit will serve as an excellent snack for a small researcher, make up for reserves of energy and nutrients.

8 months is the time to enrich the diet of the baby with prunes. Of course, in the event that the crumb does not suffer from frustration and a loose stool.

By the end of the 8th month, you can please the baby with a small portion of plum puree or a chopped piece of melon.

It is worth noting that fruits for children 8 months should be chosen very carefully. It is better if they are fruits grown in their own cottage area or bought from a trusted seller. In addition, do not forget that the selected beautiful fruit, most often contain more harmful chemicals, and small with flaws - for all its homeliness can be much safer.