Salad of beets and cabbage

Vegetable salads are very useful for our body. They are desirable to eat all year round, because they supply the body with the necessary vitamins and stimulate the appetite. Let's consider with you the recipes of beetroot salads with cabbage, and you will be surprised how delicious, juicy and fragrant they are.

Cabbage salad with beets



All vegetables are cleaned and shredded with thin straws, or rubbed on a Korean grater. Next, we turn to the preparation of refueling. For this, we wash the greens and grind them, peel the garlic and chop it up finely. Add the oil, lemon juice, seasoning, spices to taste and mix everything thoroughly. All vegetables are put in a salad bowl, poured with dressing and mixed. Now put a ready salad of beetroot with cabbage and carrots in the refrigerator, so that it soaked and became even tastier.

Salad from beets, apples and cabbage



Beetroot, celery root and carrots are cleaned and rubbed together with apples on a large grater. We wash the green onion. Cabbage thinly shred, removing the bad upper leaves. Sliced ​​cucumbers cut into cubes, and green onions - ringlets. Raisin for 10 minutes in hot water. Seeds of zira fry 2-3 minutes on a dry frying pan, and then transfer into a small bowl and whisk with olive oil, salt, vinegar and pepper. Now combine all the ingredients of the salad in a large bowl, pour the dressing and mix.

Salad with carrots, beets, meat and cabbage



So, we take lean beef meat or a slice of veal, rinse and boil. Then we cool and cut into strips. Beetroot is cooked, peeled and rubbed on a large grater. Fresh cabbage thinly shred straw, salt and a little bit of my hands until the juice is separated. Apples are cleaned and grinded on a large grater. Then we put all the prepared products into a salad bowl, mix, season with mayonnaise and sprinkle a little lemon juice.