Jumping on a rope for weight loss

Could you think in your carefree childhood that when you grow up and become an "important aunt", will you return to your once habitual pastime - jumping rope? Yes, you did not know and did not understand then what benefit this rubber rope has in your hands. Why did you jump all day long? Just. So now, you will not just do anything. In order to spend your time jumping rope, you must be convinced of their usefulness for losing weight. This is what we are now going to do.


Jumping on the rope - more efficient running and swimming, energy loss per hour is 720 calories. Jumping on the rope is an ideal way to lose weight and to maintain health at the proper level, just imagine:

And this is only the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning jumping rope.

During training

Before you start jumping with a rope for weight loss, warm up the muscles with an easy and short jog. Skipping rope refers to the class of cardiovascular equipment, which means that weight loss will be achieved due to the accelerated pace of the pulse. Here you need to be careful. From time to time, at least at the beginning of your studies, listen to your body, in which case, stop. When you take breaks to regain your breath, measure the pulse for 6 seconds and multiply by 10. This will be the result per minute. The maximum allowable pulse is calculated as follows: 220 - your age.

For one minute, on average, you will do at least 70 turns with a rope. And this means that jumping rope for weight loss will not be able to do at a slow pace, relaxing.

The duration of your workout should be 15 minutes, if you want to train endurance, breathing and heart and 30 minutes, if you need to lose weight and pull up the forms.

To jump it is necessary on носочках, at all on heels. Only in this way it is possible to amortize, that is, to secure the joints and the spine from overloading.

And one more thing: your shoes should be designed for jumping. These can be sneakers for volleyball players or basketball players, the sole should be ribbed, high with a helium filler.

Rope selection

Today on sale you can find not only nostalgic rubber skipping rope, but also electronic rope, and skipping ropes with weighting. Electronic rope counts the number of jumps, and skipping ropes with extra weight are popular among boxers and wrestlers. There are also jump ropes for extra quick jumps.


If during the lesson you feel dizzy, begin to feel sick, or lose your balance, stop and stop training for a while. Most likely, the reason for the pressure drop, or your body has been sharply overloaded and does not have time to recover.

Classes on a rope are contraindicated to all who suffer from heart diseases, has problems with intervertebral discs. You can not start training on a full stomach, and also if you have too much excess weight (to avoid stress on the heart). If you are prone to sudden pressure drops, you are also not recommended to engage in such an intense kind.