How thin Victoria Lopyreva has grown thin?

Like many celebrities, the presenter and model Vika Lopyreva lost weight, and immediately made fans happy with fresh photos on social networks. This happened almost immediately after she married football player Dmitry Smolov, in connection with which there were rumors that the star deliberately dropped the weight before the wedding.

How thin is Victoria Lopyreva?

According to the pictures, Victoria Lopyreva lost a lot of weight - at least her once-appetizing body lost 10-12 kilograms of weight. However, now few people will be surprised by such changes, because thinness is fashionable, and all public people tend to maintain harmony. However, the question of why Victoria Lopyreva lost weight, and remained hanging in the air.

It is unlikely that the TV star wanted to stay in the old body - most likely, she was trying to lose weight, but for various reasons she could not take on herself properly. This is also proved by the fact that she always tried to hide the fullness of her clothes, but her attempts were not always successful.

How thin Victoria Lopyreva has grown thin?

The yellow press actively considered the version that Lopyreva had lost weight by herself, because of depression. However, Victoria did not think to make a secret from her diet: she freely shares the features of her weight loss and assures that for many years she could not get rid of extra pounds only because she could not choose the best way that would be combined with her schedule.

However, in the end, the diet was found, and Lopyreva even offers an approximate menu for one day:

  1. Immediately after awakening, Victoria drinks a glass of water.
  2. Snack after 15 minutes - one apple.
  3. Breakfast: a bowl of buckwheat porridge without oil.
  4. Lunch: a serving of soup and a vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.
  5. Snack: a glass of cocoa, a pear or a banana.
  6. Dinner: lean meat and garnish from boiled vegetables.

Victoria argues that hunger can not be tolerated, because there is so much risk of failing and eating too much in the next meal.

Losing weight Victoria Lopyreva: a dietician's eye

From the point of view of dietology, Victoria Lopyreva's system is balanced and built on the principles of healthy nutrition . Morning glass of water allows you to activate metabolic processes, the apple prepares the gastric tract, and at the same time it allows you to partially take your stomach. After such preparation, a serving of cereal without oil for breakfast will be quite an amount of food.

It is necessary to say separately about buckwheat porridge - this is an excellent product for breakfast. In this group of 100 grams there are 10 grams of protein, and also contains a lot of complex carbohydrates. Such a complex gives a long saturation, and before dinner you are unlikely to experience hunger.

For lunch, a vegetable salad with olive oil is used. This is a very important element of nutrition, because in the absence of unsaturated fats coming from food, the body is deprived of a large number of essential amino acids and trace elements, which will invariably affect both appearance and mood. And vitamins in large quantities enter the body together with fresh vegetables.

Soup is a light food that effectively takes up the stomach volume and quickly gives saturation. In addition, liquid food is necessary for a person, since it is an excellent prevention of stomach diseases.

Lopyreva's snack is clearly a reason to be pampered. Having drunk a fragrant cocoa or having eaten a favorite fruit, it's easier not to fall for the sweet and endure a diet. In addition, at this time of day, brain activity decreases, and carbohydrates can quickly restore it.

For dinner, Lopyreva eats lean meat and vegetables - this is an option with a reduced carbohydrate content, which is quite consistent with a decrease in metabolism in the afternoon.

Thus, we can say that Victoria Lopyreva's diet is healthy, balanced and can be used indefinitely for a long time.