Is it worth to forgive treason?

When a woman learns that her man has started another, even for one night, a rather complicated question inevitably arises before her: is forgiving betrayal? Each case is worth considering separately, considering all the circumstances.

Forgive the betrayal of her husband?

Many women who argue on whether to forgive the betrayal of her husband still do not know that regardless of their decision now, in the heat of resentment, the woman will take the upper hand as a skill or inability to forgive. The fact is that this is not for everyone. And sometimes even a very loving spouse, who first took her husband back, after a month or two simply can not stand it and leaves. This is because she thought she could forgive - but no, it was not for her.

There is also the opposite situation: first the woman expels the spouse, and then, after a while, takes back. And this is due to the fact that she is really able to forget about this, and because her emotional attachment to a man turned out to be stronger than the decision originally taken. That's why first listen to yourself, remember how you usually behave. Only after that you can make the right decision.

Is it worth to forgive betrayal of her husband?

Treason can be different. If it was an accident that will never happen again, it's hardly an excuse to ruin the family. But if it drags along, and you catch it not for the first time, there is an occasion to reflect. However, in such cases, wives can sometimes close their eyes to what is happening.

The hardest thing to forgive is betrayal to a man who just started a relationship on the side, rather than just having fun with prostitutes. In this case, the final decision is yours. The main thing, evaluate what conclusions the man himself made, did he really regret what happened? It is his sincere repentance that gives hope that your marriage can and should be saved.