Massage abdomen for weight loss at home

Various cosmetic procedures improve the skin condition, help to get rid of excess weight and cellulite . You can do a massage at home to lose weight belly, which will get rid of fat deposits.

There are several important rules that are worth observing. First, all movements must be done clockwise. Secondly, the session should be done before meals or two hours after eating. In addition, it is important during the massage not to feel painful sensations, otherwise, you should stop the procedure.

How correctly to do a plucked massage of a stomach or belly for growing thin?

First you should sit on your back and relax. On the abdomen, a special massage oil or anti-cellulite cream is applied. If there are no such means, then any other liquid-based agent can be used. After this, you need to grab your fingers with a crease and begin to pinch the whole area of ​​your abdomen, picking up the folds. After passing the first circle, it is recommended to increase the force of the pinch. As a result, the skin should be red in the end of the procedure. At the end of the massage, grate the stomach clockwise with a towel. The first session should not last more than 15 minutes. After four procedures, the time should be gradually increased to 25 minutes. To achieve good results, a minimum of 15 sessions should be performed.

Vacuum massage for weight loss

You can buy a special device, but it is better to choose an equally effective, but more economical option - banks that used to treat colds earlier. You can do massage with usual glass jars, but it is best to purchase silicone for this purpose .

You need to lie on your back, on a hard surface. To begin with, the abdomen area must be wiped with any alcohol solution to remove impurities. The next step is applying anti-cellulite oil. Fix the two cans on the abdomen at an equal distance from the navel so that there is not more than 1.5 cm of skin inside. After that, move them around in a circle for five minutes. Then remove the jars, cover the belly with a towel and lie down about 15 minutes.

Massage of the belly with slimming can not be used by people who have vascular diseases or hypersensitive skin. This procedure is not recommended during and immediately after pregnancy, as well as with flu.

Chinese massage belly slimming

During the procedure, all biologically active points are involved, which leads to normalization of metabolism and cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins. In addition, in the abdomen there are neuronal cells that transmit signals to the brain, which allows you to get rid of hunger and reduce appetite. The technique of Chinese belly massage for weight loss is as follows:

  1. Click, and after circular motions, mash the wye-wan area. After that, there should be a feeling of warmth. Do 10-15 repetitions.
  2. Conduct similar manipulations with the point of chi-hai. After that, with the entire hand clockwise, rub this area, making 10-20 circular motions. Then rub the entire abdomen.
  3. With both hands, massage the area between the shan-wan and the qi-gu points. You need to move from top to bottom until you feel a slight burning sensation.
  4. Pinch fingers all the points that are in the abdominal area. Do 3-5 times.
  5. Fold your fingers together and rub your entire body, moving from top to bottom. Do 5 repetitions.

To achieve the desired results, it is recommended to combine massage with proper nutrition and regular sports activities.