Natural power engineering

In today's world, people constantly live in a state of stress and chronic fatigue, so energy drinks are becoming more popular, especially among young people who like to relax in clubs and prepare for examinations at night. But after these energetics a person feels even worse than before using them, as they force the body to use its reserves, which leads to a gradual exhaustion of the body.

Natural energy, what are they?

But there are energetics that can not only cheer and charge you with energy, but also have a beneficial effect on the body, these are natural or natural energies. The natural energy industry includes many products and infusions, which are easy to obtain, as well as any energy drink. These include:

Preparation of power engineers at home

  1. "Classic" power engineer : pour boiling water 3 tea bags, insist for 10 minutes. Then pour into a bottle, add cold water and 20 tablets of ascorbic acid to 50 mg each. Shake until the tablets are completely dissolved and put the bottle in the freezer. The drink is ready.
  2. "Advanced" power engineer is a natural energy for athletes. To prepare it for the ingredients of the "classical" energy, we add 15 drops of Eleutherococcus tincture, 10 g of glucose in tablets and 10 g of BCAA powder. All thoroughly mix and place in the refrigerator for cooling.