25th week of pregnancy - what happens?

Before the decree another month and a half, and a woman at a period of 25 weeks feels, as a rule, excellent. In this period of pregnancy the future mother blooms and becomes more attractive - silky hair, smooth skin without rashes, has gone brittle nails.

Already a noticeable tummy does not spoil the figure, but gives it a kind of charm. Mom is transformed and with pleasure acquires a vestment for her rounded tummy.

Uterus at the 25th week of pregnancy

At each admission in the women's consultation, the doctor measures the abdominal circumference and the height of the standing of the uterus, which is now about 25 centimeters. If the figures are significantly different from the standards, then the period may have been set incorrectly or the woman has a multiple pregnancy. Reduction of the WDM can indicate a lack of water and a lag in the development of the fetus.

Training bouts can begin at the appointed 28-30 weeks, and can already now. These regular non-palpable feelings are several times a day, especially if a woman walks and works a lot. There is no reason to consider them true fights if there are no other signs of labor. To reduce discomfort, you need to lie on your side for a while with a small pillow between your knees.

Child at the 25th week of pregnancy

The weight of the baby at the 25th week of pregnancy is from 700 to 900 grams, and its height is about 22 centimeters. Already almost matured lungs, in which the substance accumulates surfactant - for their disclosure after birth.

The wiggling of the fetus on the 25th week of pregnancy is already quite intense. Now the period of the most active behavior of the child inside the uterus is just beginning. Constant jolts are accompanied by very painful blows to the internal organs, and my mother has a hard time. But fortunately this happens infrequently. Even at night, when a woman is resting, the baby is exercising inside of her, preventing a full sleep.

Mom always listens to inner feelings, especially if for a long time she does not hear the movements and experiences what happens to her baby at the 25th week of pregnancy.

If the tremors are not felt for 10 hours, then this is considered the norm, but more than this period is already unsafe and urgent consultation of a specialist with a heart check is necessary, and possibly an unscheduled ultrasound.

Hazards of Pregnancy on Week 25-26

Perhaps, this period is the most favorable in the entire pregnancy, and there is no threat of premature birth if it proceeds safely. Although, if for some reason the baby is born, then it can already be released, thanks to modern equipment.

But overweight can be a problem right now. If you do not limit meals, use tasty, but not useful products, then excess weight is provided. The weight of the mother on the 25th week of pregnancy, should normally grow no more than 8 kilograms.

Now an increase in the day is about 350 grams, but with improper nutrition the weight grows disproportionate by large jumps. Total weight gain during the entire gestation period, i.ะต. by the time of delivery, should not exceed 15 kilograms.

The use of excessively salty foods, sausages and conservation leads to the fact that the fluid in the body, instead of being excreted, lingers in the tissues, leading to swelling. This is not only an external "ugly" problem.

After puffiness is dangerous to health, both the baby and his mother. This condition is probably the first step to gestosis - a very difficult complication of pregnancy. Because women who are prone to swelling, should go to a salt-free diet and drink a lot of fluid.