Bisacodyl for weight loss

Today, information about losing weight is very accessible to all comers, but there are so many that it is difficult to choose in the sea ways that you really like. In addition, on the Internet there are often tips that do not tolerate any criticism. For example, many women practice weight loss by taking medication for weight loss , for example - laxatives. Because of this, and bisakodil recorded in diet pills.

Bisacodyl: indications for use

This medication doctors prescribe only to those who have certain problems with the intestines - however, this does not stop those who decided to lose weight with it. If you plan to take it on the advice of friends, first read the list of indications for use, which is offered by the developer of this medication. It is used in such cases:

As you can see from this list, the manufacturer of the drug did not expect that someone will decide to lose weight with the help of bisacodyl.

Bisacodyl does not help!

Depending on how bisacodyl is taken, in the form of tablets or suppositories, this remedy begins to act one or six hours after ingestion and provokes a fast exit of the intestinal contents. If you think you took bisacodyl for weight loss, then with the same success weight loss you can call a simple visit to the toilet.

Weight loss in this case occurs only for 1-2 days and solely due to the contents of the intestine. Taking this drug is prohibited on a regular basis, since you risk ruining the natural mechanism of the intestine and experiencing a lot of problems in the near future. So, to consolidate the effect of this "weight loss" you will not succeed. Conclusion one - bisakodil, like all other laxatives, is absolutely ineffective as a means to reduce weight.

Let's be realistic: the excess weight you have is not due to the fact that in the intestines, but because of the fact that on the sides, on the stomach, on the hips - because of fat deposits. And no laxative remedy will save you from this. To resist a fatty layer on a body it is possible only by means of a correct delivery and sports, besides all it does not demand reception of any additional medicines. This is the weight loss is the most healthy and safe for the body. You do not want to be slim for a while, you want to have a beautiful figure always, which means that you should choose the long-term and correct methods of weight reduction from the very beginning.

Bisacodyl: contraindications

Even if you decide to use this drug only once, you may have contraindications. If at least something from this list is relevant to you - the use of this tool is strictly prohibited:

If you are not sure whether you have some diseases from this list, it is best not to experiment and to refuse taking the drug.

Bisacodyl: side effects

There are a lot of side effects that should also be considered before you decide to take bisacodyl:

It is worth noting that with repeated use, it is possible to get used to the drug and the inability to empty without the use of additional funds.