Application for the youngest

Most modern moms are very sensitive to the development of crumbs and in every way try to develop their child in all directions. The hardest thing is to invent entertaining and useful lessons for the youngest. We offer to consider several options for the application for young children to help my mother. It is the creation of handicrafts for babies that is useful for fine motor skills and speech development, and also helps to study the shapes of objects and coordinate movements.

Applications of paper for babies

The easiest way, which is very like crumbs and does not take much time and energy from mom. Such applications from geometric figures introduce the baby to the simplest forms and color. For work we will need:

Now consider the application for babies in the form of an aquarium.

  1. We cut a lot of paper from the paper. These are triangles of approximately the same size.
  2. From triangles of brown color we will make pebbles on the bottom of the aquarium. You can make a few small and medium ones from large pieces to make it more interesting for the baby.
  3. Lay out the bottom of the aquarium.
  4. Now let's start making seaweed. To do this, from paper green and green, cut the billets of different sizes and glue them onto cardboard.
  5. It's time to make fish. Then completely trust the crumb and his fantasies. Offer him some blanks of different color and size and show what kind of fish you got. Then just ask him to do it himself.
  6. Do different types of fish and "settle" them in the aquarium.
  7. Application for the youngest is ready.

Try to make similar applications for babies from the fabric. Suitable felt or a simple napkin for the kitchen. Children will happily take the handles of the workpiece and thereby develop motor skills.

Application of cereals for babies

If the applications of paper for babies are perfect for learning shapes and colors, then cereals or pasta very well help to develop the baby's fingers. To make a craft in the form of a mushroom, you need buckwheat and millet.

  1. On a sheet of paper, print out the image of the fungus. It is better if it is a template of the simplest form.
  2. The mushroom head is abundantly greased with glue.
  3. Then generously sprinkle a layer of glue with buckwheat. Slightly crush and leave to dry.
  4. The mushroom foot is also smeared with PVA and sprinkled with millet.
  5. The handicraft is ready.

Volumetric applications for babies

It is very interesting for children to work with materials that can be touched and thoroughly crushed in their hands. It is very good in this case to use cotton wool or sintepon. We suggest to make a small picture with the image of swans.

  1. On a thick sheet of cardboard draw a silhouette of a swan.
  2. Vatu or sintepon must be picked in small pieces. The child can do it himself.
  3. Next, apply a layer of glue on a small part of the picture and attach pieces of cotton wool. We work from the edges to the center.
  4. At the end, we light up the picture with pebbles, flowers or other elements.

Unusual appliqué for the youngest

Almost certainly you will find in the house a few potholes of different colors and sizes from old things. Mistresses rarely throw them out sometimes there is a whole casket or jars with "treasures" in the house. Just from such material the child can be offered to make an applique.

  1. From the dense colored cardboard we cut out the silhouette of a butterfly. It can be any other simple image that a crumb can learn.
  2. Color buttons are spread with glue and fastened to the wings.
  3. The butterfly's body can be made from plasticine or plastic. From one piece roll the sausage. To make the antennae, take two matches and insert them into the head, and at the ends attach two small balls. Then we sculpt four more small balls and squeeze them a bit - these will be the petals of the flower. We decorate our butterfly with a flower and center the glue with a button. Done!