Genital herpes

Genital herpes refers to viral infections. From the name it is clear that this disease affects mostly the genital organs. However, most often the cause of this phenomenon is the herpes simplex virus, which is known to 8 species. However, only 2 of its types cause the disease: HSV-1 and HSV-2. If we talk about the incidence of the disease, then 80% of the cases are caused by HSV-2, and only 20% - type 1 virus.

As already mentioned above, genital herpes affects the external genitalia, and in particular: the labia, the perineal region and can extend to the anus, the cervix. In the latter case, they speak of the development of cervical herpes.

How does the disease occur?

As with other infections of the genital tract, genital herpes is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. However, the disease can occur with oral and anal sex. In about half the cases, none of the partners and does not assume that he is sick, tk. no signs are observed.

The household way of transmission of the disease is also possible, but it is rare, - it is observed when the girl used other people's personal hygiene items.

The likelihood that a woman will fall ill with this disease from a man he suffers is less than 20%. The use of a condom during sexual intercourse reduces the likelihood of developing a pathology by almost 2 times.

What are the main signs of genital herpes?

Virtually all people on the planet are carriers of the herpes virus, which does not manifest until the moment when the body's immune forces are not weakened. Therefore, in most cases, women do not know that they are ill until the first formations in the genital area appear.

In order to timely determine the development of the disease and begin treatment, you need to know the main signs of genital herpes. The main of them are:

  1. The formation of small vesicles in the genital area, which are filled with cloudy contents. They can appear in the hip and even around the anal passage. In severe forms, vesicles can spread to the urethra and also penetrate the vagina and uterus.
  2. There is itching, redness of the skin
  3. A woman experiences a tingling sensation when she is urinating.
  4. The increase in lymph nodes located in the inguinal region also indicates the presence of pathology.
  5. The fever may be a symptom of genital herpes in the phase of its exacerbation.

Literally 7 days after the appearance of the bubbles, they begin to spontaneously burst, leaving in their place erosions and sores. After 2-3 weeks a new epithelium begins to appear on the site of the sores.

How is genital herpes treated?

The main question that worries almost all women who have fallen ill with genital herpes concerns how to cure it. Here, doctors can not do without the help.

First, you need to determine which type of herpes virus is caused by the disease. According to the results of the laboratory test, medications are prescribed.

In the treatment of this pathology, the most commonly used drugs are Acyclovir (Zovirax and its analogues), Valaciclovir (Valtrex), Famacyclovir (Famvir) and Penciclovir (Denavir), which have proven efficacy.

A major role in the treatment process is played by the prevention of genital herpes, which consists in the exclusion of casual sexual contacts and timely preventive examination by a gynecologist.

What are the consequences of the disease?

If we talk about what is dangerous genital herpes, then this is primarily a risk of developing cervical cancer . There is such a phenomenon with prolonged non-return to the doctor. In men, the complication of pathology is prostate cancer.