Pachipodium - home care

"Thick leg", and this is how the pahipodium is referred to in the translation from Greek, today you can see in many apartments. Despite the fact that the motherland of this succulent is Australia, Madagascar and Africa, care for the pachypodium at home is simple. Due to the specific juicy stalk of a rounded shape reminiscent of the cactus pahipodium a long time conserves the moisture reserve. That is why neither drought nor excessive air dryness is a problem. Flowering pahipodium - a phenomenon familiar in nature. Unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve this at home, you will not see the flower of the pachypodium infrequently.

It is important to note that this plant can not be called harmless. In some species, thorns are impressive and sharp. In addition, this decorative cactus is a poisonous plant. His juice does not lead to burns, but when used inside, vomiting is provided. Of course, the lethal outcome is almost impossible, since a dangerous concentration in the body of the poison is achieved by eating several kilograms of leaves.

Optimum microclimate

Recommendations on how to care for the pahipodium, concern, in the first place, lighting, humidity and watering. The optimal place for a cactus is warm, light. Pahipodium is not afraid of even direct rays. But after the winter immediately place pots in the sun can not, the plant needs adaptation.

Watering this cactus prefers moderate. With excess moisture, its characteristic stem of a rounded shape can deform. A lack of moisture will result in the dropping of all leaves. When leaves pahipodiuma fall, then until the formation of young shoots, the cactus is usually not watered, and the soil under plants with shortened stems moistens extremely poorly all year round.

After the emergence of shoots, the plant should be fed for better growth. For this purpose, special fertilizing for all types of succulents is suitable.

As an ideal soil, it is better to take a mix of turf, sand and nutrient-rich peat. You can add a little brick crumbs, and charcoal. Well-organized drainage is mandatory!

Regarding the temperature of the air and soil, the range is very wide - from 16 to 35 degrees Celsius, so even on the windowsills, under which the batteries are located, the cactus will grow very comatose. Dry air as such succulent is not terrible, but it is the cause of the appearance of thrips or ticks. To avoid pest damage, the cactus should be periodically sprayed.

Reproduction and transplantation

If the plant is still young, then the transplantation of the pahipodium before the age of four should be done annually. Adult plants are transplanted every three years. Note that the root system of this succulent is very fragile, so handling it should be neat. Before transplanting the pahipodium, thoroughly moisten the soil so that the plant can easily be removed with a lump of native land. The easiest way to propagate this cactus is planting seeds. Unfortunately, the reproduction of the pachypodium by children and parts The mother stem is a difficult and unsuccessful task. Rooting them is extremely difficult. However, if you notice that the leaves are blackening at the pachypodium, the lower part of it begins to rot, then it is necessary to cut off the tip, slightly dry the cut, sprinkle it with charcoal dust and try to root it.

Diseases, pests

This cactus is often affected by a spider's red mite, thrips , rot. Noticing the whitish spots, rusty patches or light spots on the leaves, spray the plant with any available insecticide (phytopharma, fufan, actelle, decis, etc.). Spraying should be carried out a few, until signs of pachypodia disease disappear.