Motherwort - medicinal properties and contraindications

Motherwort is one of the most popular plants with medicinal qualities. The pharmacological application of the motherwort is due to the content in the herbaceous plant of a number of substances that have a positive effect on the human body, including:

But along with the medicinal properties there are also contraindications for use in the treatment of the motherwort. Let's consider more in detail useful properties of a plant and available contraindications for treatment by a motherwort.

Medicinal properties of herb Leonurus and contraindications for use

The sedative (soothing) effect of the motherwort on the body is the most pronounced property of the medicinal plant. In the course of medical research it was found that in this respect a modest motherwort more powerful than all recognized valerian. The alcoholic tinctures, water infusions and extracts prepared on its basis are used primarily to relieve nervous excitability and eliminate sleep disturbances . Unlike sedatives with narcotic components, the motherwort is not addictive. In addition, the motherwort is used to:

If infertility is not associated with pathological abnormalities of the reproductive or endocrine system in a woman, it is worthwhile to conduct a coursework for aquatic phytonostas within one to two months.

Infusion with difficulties with conception


Preparation and use

To prepare medicinal herbs are taken in the same weight amounts. 3 tablespoons collection of herbs pour boiling water and insist. Take infusion of 100 ml 3 times a day.

For your information! With external application, alcoholic tincture of motherwort has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, promotes the quick healing of small lesions of the skin. So, taken on a trip or on a camping trip, a vial of Leonurus's infusions will help to solve many health problems.

Contraindications to the use of the motherwort tincture

As already noted above, along with the medicinal properties of the motherwort tincture, there are also contraindications to the use. In connection with This, before starting treatment with a motherwort, should consult a specialist. So, you should not take a motherwort for allergies to the plant and low blood pressure. Also, it is not necessary to use the motherwort tincture with antidepressants and sedatives.

Also, you should always follow the dosage when taking drugs with motherwort (recommended dose, usually from 15 to 25 drops once, the number of receptions - 3-4 times a day). When the dose is exceeded, such unpleasant manifestations as vomiting and diarrhea, possibly even with blood, are possible.