Pouring red cherry

Bird cherry has long been known for its useful properties. Drinks made on its basis, tone up the body, enrich with useful substances, restore strength and simply raise the mood. If you have cherry berries, then we advise you to make a bird cherry liquor at home using the proven recipes. For this drink is the most ripe berry, which we first sort out, remove the leaves, stems and small spoiled fruits. A bird cherry drink is made on any alcoholic base: vodka, refined moonshine, alcohol and even fortified wine. Next, we will tell you how to make a tasty and healthy filling of bird cherry.

The recipe for a bird cherry



Treated from twigs and washed ripe berries bird cherry in a large jar with a wide neck. Then pour in the sugar, close tightly with a lid and shake well until the berries are allowed to juice and completely do not mix with the sugar crystals. After that, open the lid, gently pour in the vodka, carefully mix everything and remove the jar to insist in a dark and warm place for about 15-20 days. After a lapse of time, the finished drink is filtered through a cotton-gauze filter and poured into clean glass bottles. We keep the pouring of bird cherry on the vodka only in the refrigerator and then not more than a year.

How to prepare red bird cherry



Red dried bird cherry we sort through garbage, twigs and pour for several hours with warm boiled water. When the berry is a little swollen, put it into a clean large bottle and pour it over with sugar. Next, close tightly with a lid and shake well, so that the berry gave juice. After that, pour in the purified moonshine, add cinnamon, cloves and mix everything with a spoon, close the lid and put the bottle in a warm dark place for about two weeks. Ready homemade liquefied several times filtered through several layers of gauze and poured into small beautiful bottles. Tightly clog each container and store the ready-made bug cherry in a cool place.