Beet Kvass

Kvass is a traditional Slavic drink, obtained as a result of incomplete fermentation of the original wort. It perfectly quenches thirst, has a pleasant refreshing taste and high energy value. This traditional drink contains many useful substances, promotes digestion, regulates metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the human body. There are different types and types of kvass, as well as recipes for the preparation of this unique beverage. Kvass is easy to prepare at home. Usually for this use yeast, crackers (or better - a special starter) and sugar. To give the drink special flavor tones, use mint, hops, fruits, berries and some other products. Recipes of non-aleiferous kvass species are also known, in the preparation of which the berries of sea-buckthorn or beets are used as the main raw material - these species find application both in cooking and in folk medicine.

Beet kvass is especially useful at high blood pressure, in addition, this product helps to remove various harmful substances from the body (including products of putrefactive fermentation and cholesterol plaques), prevents the appearance and development of tumors, and cleanses the vessels, kidneys and intestines. In addition, the drink also contributes to fat burning.

How to make beet kvass?

It is best to choose young and medium-sized root vegetables for cooking useful and tasty kvass from red beet, because it is in these and contains the greatest amount of nutrients that pass into a drink. Here is one of the recipes for making beet kvass.



The preparation of beet kvass is a simple matter, quite accessible even to people who are not at all inexperienced in cooking. Kvass from beets is prepared according to a traditional recipe. First thoroughly cleaned root vegetables clean with a knife. Now they must be finely chopped, or cut into small short straws, or rubbed on a large grater. You can, of course, take advantage of the chopper. Peeled shredded beetroot we put in a glass jar, pour cold boiled water, add juice of half a lemon (for smell and taste), sugar (it should be noted that sugar is an optional ingredient) and a slice of rye bread with a dry crust (in no case use ready-made store crackers - they contain a lot of harmful additives).

Now we close the jar with gauze and leave it for 2.5-3 days (during this time, fermentation takes place). Ready kvass must be filtered, bottled (which is sealed) and cooled. A small amount (1 glass) of ready-made beet kvass can be used at the next ferment cycle.

It should be noted that ready-made beet kvass can be seasoned to change taste and smell not only with lemon juice, but also with other ingredients, namely: raisins, mint, melissa, hops and some other herbs and dry spices. A glass of beet kvass is good to drink on a hot summer day before eating to stimulate appetite and improve digestion. On the basis of beet kvass it is possible to prepare cold summer soups.

With all the remarkable healing and nutritional properties of this drink, it is necessary to understand that its use (and even more so in large quantities) is not shown to all people at all. Nutritionists do not recommend drinking a large amount of beetroot in diabetes (even if sugar is not added during the manufacturing process), urolithiasis and gout. It is extremely undesirable to use beet kvass for exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - in these cases, the problems can worsen and, as a result, serious deterioration of the general condition complicates the subsequent treatment of diseases.

It is worth noting that it is not only to drink beet kvass, but also to prepare other dishes with this root vegetable. For example, prepare for the winter, using the recipe of pickled beets or making a dressing for borscht .