Napkins for sunburn

In the modern world, for beauty and health, you can find a huge selection of different products that are chosen according to the type of skin, hair structure, etc. One of the cosmetic novelties, which is increasingly gaining popularity among the owners of the fair sex, have become napkins for sunburn. This miracle-tool for today can be purchased at any cosmetics store and various manufacturers.

Advantages of napkins

Sunburn is always in vogue, but for many reasons, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the sea or visit the solarium. As an alternative to natural tanning and the use of doses of ultraviolet lamps, cosmetology offers such an indispensable thing as napkins with the effect of sunburn.

These napkins are most popular among people who for a variety of reasons can not afford to take sun baths, for example, with too light skin.

The main advantages of tanning napkins are that they:

This product is considered to be the leader among other products designed to create tan, because it has a fairly wide range of applications: it can be used as a tanning agent for the face, neck, décolletage, hands, abdomen and back. In addition, such napkins perfectly correct the stretch marks and the resulting uneven strips from sunburn.

In most cases, napkins for sunburn, regardless of the manufacturer, contain natural fibers and a moisturizing complex, whose action is aimed at retaining moisture in the stratum corneum, which helps to prevent dehydration of the skin, while making it soft and supple.

All napkins with the effect of sunburn contain such active components:

  1. Dihydroxyacetone - is a natural active substance, which is made from sugar cane. Reacting with skin keratin proteins and amino acids, it forms melanoidins, which give the skin a natural shade.
  2. Tocopherol is a vitamin B group, it promotes skin rejuvenation, gives it firmness and a healthy appearance.

This means for sunburn is convenient in that for its use it is not necessary to be registered on reception to the cosmetician, and it is possible to use with ease independently at home. As a rule, all napkins for tanning have the same instruction for use and are packed one at a time in a separate envelope.

Mode of application

Before using napkins, you need to cleanse your face and body, drain the skin with a towel. Unfold the napkin and, slowly, lightly rub the areas of skin that need to be given a tan. An exception is the area around the eyes. Within 5-7 minutes the product is completely absorbed and dries. Usually one napkin is enough to give a tan to the face, décolleté and neck. After applying the product, you should thoroughly wash your hands.

The color of the skin after the application of napkins for sunburn completely corresponds to the natural, but the maximum shade is always manifested for 24 hours. It will be held for at least three days, and if desired, if you want a more intense shade, you need to repeat the procedure with a new cloth, but only 3 hours after the first application.