Dietary diary

Women always try to get rid of their main problem - excess weight and therefore resort to various ways of losing weight. Doing sports, eating food additives, diets , hunger strikes, just do not go to the fairer sex to be slim. There is a way that will help to make even more effective any method of combating excess kilograms - this is keeping a dietary diary.

What is a diet diary?

This is a notebook or online diary in which everything that is connected with your process of losing weight is constantly fixed. These can be programs compiled by a doctor, a weight loss schedule, a description of physical exercises and food eaten per day, its calorie content, in short, everything you do to part with excess kilograms.

All these records will help you organize a proper and healthy diet and develop your own ways of losing weight.

What should I record in a diet diary?

For starters, the diary should describe your real parameters: weight, coverage of the hips, chest and waist. Weight is desirable to fix every day, and the remaining data can be measured and recorded, for example, a couple of times a week, depending on how long your diet lasts. It is also recommended to indicate in the diary the level of sugar in the blood (this will help you with special devices), pressure and pulse. Be sure to keep a record of what you ate throughout the day.

Today, on the Internet, there are many forums where diets of people who lose weight on various diets are discussed, people find like-minded people, share experiences, give advice, and many help this much. Also, you can get a diary diary right on the Internet, many sites offer such services. But it does not matter which form of diary you choose, the main thing is not to delay with this business, and then the result you are striving for will be much more effective.