Exercises on the ball for pregnant women

For diligent training before and during pregnancy, you will be rewarded with mild labor. Of course, being in an "interesting" position, you do not show high cardiac loads, but there is another way to relieve the load from the spine, relax your lower back and improve the pelvic area. In this case, your assistants are walking, swim in the pool and fitball. It's about exercises on the gymnastic ball for pregnant women that we'll talk today.

To begin with, we take the right position. Sit on the fitball , spread your legs slightly wider than the pelvis. Basically, exercises on the ball for pregnant women are performed while sitting.

Exercises sitting

  1. IP - sitting on the ball. His hands are relaxed on his knees. Pelvic movements, gently rock the ball forward and backward. The muscles of the press contract, the waist relaxes. The breathing is smooth, the movements are smooth. Lower the chin down and throw your head back, so we remove tension from the neck.
  2. Now we do wiggle the hips to the side, also removing tension from the waist.
  3. We make circular movements with a basin, in one and the other side. We concentrate on the pelvic muscles.
  4. We make the roll forward, climbing the socks, and roll back, rising to the heels. Springs on the ball, raising your hands to the beat upwards on the inspiration, and lowering down on exhalation. This exercise serves as the prevention of varicose veins, keeps the calves and ankle in the tone.
  5. We rest in the next exercise on a rubber ball. Hands put on the back of the head, we lower the head and form the arc on exhalation, we bend upwards on the inspiration.
  6. Twisting. Hands form a semicircle in front of him, as if holding the ball. Make turns left and right. This exercise strengthens the press.
  7. We lower one hand, raise the other up. Make the slopes to the side.

Exercises lying down

  1. We lay down on the back, put our bent legs on the fitball. "Embrace" the ball with your feet on both sides, and do light grasping. This exercise develops the pelvic muscles, strengthens the caviar, the press.
  2. We return the feet to the surface of the ball. We raise our knees, feet together and form a "butterfly". On exhalation we straighten our legs and push the ball forward, on inhalation, we return the ball, bending our legs again into the "butterfly".
  3. The next exercise with the ball fitball is very useful for the press, chest, arms and upper back. We take the ball in straight hands, raise above the chest, lie on the floor. With the force of hands we squeeze the ball on exhalation, and, relaxing our hands, we unclench.
  4. We relax: legs straightened, hands along with a fitball hung over the head to the floor. We pull the socks and heels, hands stretch upward. Stretch the spine.
  5. We return to the sitting position. We sit on bent legs, fitball in front of us, we hold it with our hands. Raise the pelvis, fitbol push and stretch. Hands and back are on the same line. We squat, we lower the pelvis, we pull the ball to ourselves. We stretch our back. Exhale - forward, breath - back.
  6. We repeat the same exercise, but place the legs as wide as possible. Sit down between the legs at the pull of the ball to yourself. The tension is removed from the back.
  7. We do not change the situation. We put the left hand on the ball, the right hand is lowered in a bent form to the floor. Sit down between the legs and stretch.
  8. Put the mat to the wall. We go to the wall with our feet. The ball is pressed to the wall with its legs raised, "stepping" along the wall without releasing the ball down and up. The tension is removed from the thighs, buttocks.
  9. We raise straight legs with the ball and just try to relax in this position. Keep the elongated legs for several minutes. Exercise is very useful for circulation in the legs.

Do these exercises several times a week, preferably barefoot on a soft mat. However, do not lose your vigilance: if you experience any discomfort, stop exercising and consult a doctor.