Therapeutic exercises Strelnikova

What can a singer who has lost her voice? Everyone has their own way in this respect, but Alexander N. Strelnikova has developed a unique set of exercises that allows you to restore the singing voice even when it seems that everything is already lost. She even received a patent in 1972, reinforcing her authorship in this amazing technique - therapeutic breathing gymnastics Strelnikova.

What is useful for breathing exercises Strelnikova?

Initially, everyone thought that everything that was treated by Strelnikova's breathing exercises was vocal cords. However, the respiratory organs have more simple and necessary functions - for example, breathing and the ability to speak. All this is also restored in the course of the regular application of the complex. Even if you think that you do not have breathing problems, there is always a possibility that they are still available, and as a result of gymnastics you will note a positive effect. And those who have a problem with the lungs, the paradoxical gymnastics Strelnikova is simply necessary.

Another important property than the gymnastics of Strelnikova is useful is the enrichment of internal organs with oxygen, which makes it possible to remove slags at the same time, and to provide youth and health to tissues.

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova: contraindications

Knowing what the Strelnikova breathing gymnastics gives, we should not forget that this system has its own contraindications. It is worth familiarizing with them in advance:

However, an experienced doctor even with such conditions can choose such a set of exercises that will be acceptable. However, if you are afraid, it's better not to take risks.

Therapeutic exercises Strelnikova

So, for example, consider several exercises from the complex to have an idea of ​​the entire system Strelnikova. The main thing is to learn briefly, rhythmically and noisily to sniff your nose 4-8 times in a row, this is the basis of the whole system.

Exercise "Ladoshki"

Standing steadily, the arms are bent, the elbows point down, the palms look forward (this position is called the "psychic pose"). Perform short and noisy breaths with your nose and at the same time - grasping movements (squeeze your hands into a fist). After "sniff" the nose 4 times, lower your hands and rest for a couple of seconds, then breathe in again. An important condition - with a noisy, rhythmic and active inhalation, the exhalation should be passive, inaudible and performed through the mouth. In total, you need to complete 24 sets of 4 breaths each. To perform this exercise is allowed and sitting, and lying down, and standing.

Exercise "Pogonchiki"

Standing flat, squeeze the hands into fists, press against the stomach near the waist. On inspiration, move your fists sharply downward, as if pushing away from it (hands should be straight, and shoulders - strained). Relax your shoulders with exhalation. The contract must perform 8 breaths and movements, rest lasts only 3-4 seconds. It is necessary to perform 12 times in 8 breaths-movements. This exercise is also allowed to perform from any position - standing, lying, sitting.

The rest of the exercises are similar to these: in them also special movements are combined with a sequence of rhythmic, short and noisy breaths, provided a soft, almost inaudible exhalation through the mouth. Such gymnastics can cure many diseases, but it is not recommended to apply it in parallel with yoga or gymnastics of qigong for various reasons.