The norm of hormones in women is the table

The hormonal background can change even in a healthy woman, depending on various factors. It affects the phase of the menstrual cycle, the presence of stress, disease. The results of hormonal studies of the patient will give the qualified specialist information about the state of her health. If the doctor notices that the tests for female hormones do not correspond to the norm, he may suspect a gynecological or endocrine disorder.

Estrogen and estradiol

Estrogens are the main female hormones and their compliance with the norm is of great importance for the well-being, and even the appearance of the patient. Its shortcoming leads to the following consequences:

Excess also does not bring benefits and has a negative impact on the body, for example, leads to excess weight, diseases of the reproductive system, and even tumors.

Estradiol refers to estrogens and affects the changes that occur after puberty. His level will tell the doctor about the condition of the ovaries and help to identify problems with the menstrual cycle.


When a patient is examined by a gynecologist, she may be assigned progesterone analysis. The norm of these female hormones in women is important for the possibility of conception, as well as bearing the baby. If during the cycle there is no change in the level of progesterone, the doctor can conclude that there is no ovulation. Low value during pregnancy will be the reason for prescription of medicines, without which bearing will not be successful.

Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating (FSH)

FSG is responsible for the growth of follicles and maturation of the egg, and LH stimulates the process of ovulation. How much these female hormones meet the table of norms, gives grounds to draw conclusions about the ability to conceive. A high level of LH and FSH can talk about infertility.

You should not try to decipher the norms and deviations of female hormones in analyzes on your own. The specialist will look not only at the individual results, but also on their ratio. For example, an important diagnostic value is the ratio of LH to FSH. It is for this result that the doctor is able to suspect polycystic ovarian syndrome or a tumor, and to appoint further examinations.

It should be understood that all deviations from the norm in the table of hormones in women should be adjusted exclusively by a professional and does not allow any self-treatment.