How can I stop barking?

In adulthood, people who gum, for some seem pretty. But for most, such an effect can be a serious problem both in obtaining the desired position, and in relation to yourself, your self-esteem.

Cartilaginism or the scientific language of dyslexia is a violation of the pronunciation of sounds under normal hearing and articulatory apparatus. Do not consider cartagena a certain disadvantage. Many consider, for example, the male pronunciation of the letter "R" in some French style is very attractive and sexual, which means and once again confirms that cartaginess is not a disease and everything depends on your desire. You can go to a speech therapist at any age and in just a couple of months of training to bring your pronunciation into the norm. Let's consider the reasons why some people jabber.

The reasons why a child or an adult gum are:

  1. A short frenum that restricts the movement of the tip of the tongue upwards.
  2. Congenital defects that formed in the intrauterine period.
  3. Underdevelopment or violation of phonemic hearing (that is, the physical hearing is retained, but phonemic, in turn, is broken).
  4. Muscle weakness in the tongue.
  5. Inability to perform the language of targeted movements.
  6. Children's imitation of the pronunciation of an adult (surrounded by a child is a person with the wrong pronunciation, which the latter imitates).
  7. Bilingualism in the family (when parents communicate in different languages, the child mixes these languages ​​for themselves, for example, Russian and French - the throat "R").

Of course, in the first place, parents should take responsibility to search for an answer to how their children stop croaking. And, even if, as a child, you could not pronounce the word "tractor", doing it in adulthood will be more difficult. But do not think that the idea of ​​how not to jiggle will remain an unrealized dream.

If a person has started to bark since childhood, this does not mean that he is sick with dyslasia and do not burden himself with questions "how to cure it". It's not a disease. It is necessary to perform regularly, without losing enthusiasm, the exercises recommended by doctors - speech therapists.

How not to squash?

Exercise "Sweet tooth"

Open your mouth, the lower jaw must be fixed with your hands so that it does not move. Then only in a broad tongue try to lick your upper lip from the top to the bottom. Do not help your jaw to raise your tongue.

"Air battle"

Open your mouth, lay your tongue on your lower lip, pronounce the sound "F", but so that the air stream is narrow. This exercise is one of the main in the program. In order not to jot, do not forget to repeat it regularly.

"Brushing your teeth"

Open your mouth wide, smile and try to brush your tongue with your upper teeth from the inside. Move the language left-right.


Open your mouth, lay your broad lip on the lower lip. You need to lick your lip at a fast pace in the direction of the front and back and adding a voice to make a sound that resembles a turkey-making bubble.

"Glad to the palate"

Open your mouth wide and use the tip of your tongue to stroke the palate back and forth. Watch for the tongue to return to the roots of the upper teeth.

These exercises help to train the relaxed muscle of the tongue and pronounce the necessary letters.

After you have learned how to pronounce sounds correctly, you can proceed to complicated exercises. They can be the pronunciation of short words that begin with the letter you need. Then proceed to more complex words, in which there is a "problem" sound in the middle or the end. And the final stage will be the pronunciation of tongue twisters with this letter.

Only if the performance of these exercises will become for you the same habit as brushing your teeth, you will be able to stop quickly and effectively, which has not given you rest all the time.

Do not think about how to learn not to jerk, you just need to act and you will necessarily succeed.