B vitamins in foods

Vitamins of group B in food are the most important condition for health and well-being. If we are talking about a complex of B vitamins, they should be taken with food every day, as these substances are not stored by the body. The functions of these vitamins are in the most diverse components of the human body, and for the proper operation of all organs and systems it is important to maintain their normal level.

In which products to look for vitamin B1?

This vitamin promotes the synthesis of energy from food, so its presence in the body is incredibly important for metabolism. In addition, vitamin B1 plays an exceptional role in libido in men and women, as well as in male potency. Its deficiency significantly affects health and well-being, therefore it is important to receive it with products:

Regular intake of vitamin B1 is especially important for those people who have problems with the thyroid gland.

What foods have vitamin B2?

Vitamin B2 in foods or special supplements is very important to take regularly. Its function is the synthesis of protein and fat in the body, participation in the process of hematopoiesis, normalization of the work of the stomach and liver. It is riboflavin (the second name of vitamin B2) normalizes vision, and also to some extent protects the eyes from the effects of solar ultraviolet rays. It should be consumed in products:

If the vitamin B2 in the body is small - this will affect all areas at once. That is why it's important to keep track of its quantity in food.

In which products will you find vitamin B5?

Vitamin B5 in foods or as supplements is also very important for the human body. Pantothenic acid (the second name of vitamin B5) is involved in the metabolism, promotes wound healing, prevents fatigue and is simply necessary for the harmonious activity of the central nervous system. You can get it from food by eating the following foods:

Deficiency of this vitamin is rare, because it is present in a large number of foods. His shortage threatens only those who torment themselves with excessively strict diets.

In which products to look for vitamin B6?

Products containing vitamin B6 are very important for the human body: pyridoxine (the second name) is necessary for the release of energy from the body's proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The need for this vitamin is especially strong when a person experiences stress or nervous overexertion. You can get vitamin B6 in products:

It is especially important to take vitamin B6 in the elderly and during pregnancy.

What foods have vitamin B12?

Products containing vitamin B12 are an integral part of a healthy diet. It is this element that improves memory and concentration of attention, normalizes the work of the liver and metabolism, especially - protein. In addition, it is the source of the indispensable cobalt for the human body. With food it can be obtained from the following products:

As it is easy to guess, taking a strict vegetarian lifestyle, getting this vitamin from food becomes impossible. For those who refuse only meat of animals, it is enough to eat cheese.