Diet "Drying" for girls

Diet "Cushka" for girls is designed to help get rid of the maximum amount of fat. "Cushka" is the final stage of weight loss and those who have excess weight, you must first reset a large part of it. In addition, such a nutrition system is always accompanied by aerobic training .

What is the essence of the "Cushka" diet for girls at home?

Duration of the diet is 2-3 months, during which it is recommended to gradually exclude from the diet simple carbohydrates. Being interested in the schedule of a diet for body drying for girls, it is recommended to look at such recommendations in a feed:

It is very important to eat fractionally and often, drink plenty of fluids. Based on the above, you can make an approximate menu for the first week of the "Cushka" diet for girls, here it is:

More often than 2 times a year, such a power system to adhere to is not recommended.