Metformin for weight loss

Metformin - a drug for diabetics, helping to reduce blood sugar. For people with diabetes, metformin is a vital drug that helps maintain carbohydrate metabolism in the body, which is disrupted due to the disease.

Indications for use

Metformin is indicated for a number of diseases, namely:

Metformin contraindications

Elderly appoint metformin with caution. Also, when prescribing a drug for pregnant women, it is necessary to take into account some features to avoid possible harm to the fetus.

The main contraindications for metformin are:

Metformin - side effects

Metformin can adversely affect the digestive system, which leads to diarrhea. In such cases, reduce the dosage until such a side effect disappears.

Overdosing with the drug can lead to more serious consequences. Hyperglycemia with the use of metformin in large quantities, unfortunately, is not a rare occurrence. This is due to the property of the drug to keep glucose, not giving the possibility of its absorption into the blood, in connection with which, its level increases. The resulting hyperglycemia entails hyperglycemic coma and then, if not rendered timely assistance - a fatal outcome.

In order to avoid such consequences, it is necessary to monitor the level of glucose, and when it increases, interrupt the course of taking metformin for several days and inject insulin subcutaneously.

With prolonged use of metformin without any other drugs may appear drowsiness, weakness and lethargy. This is due to the fact that the drug reduces the level of glycogen in the muscles and liver, and glycogen , as is known - the energy reserve, which, if necessary, the body translates into glucose. In such cases enough 1-2 injections of insulin.

Harm metformin - the result of an overdose or unjustified use of the drug, without evidence or consultation with specialists. In the rest, with the correct and careful admission under the supervision of a doctor, undesirable consequences can be reduced to zero.

How to take metformin for weight loss?

Metformin is capable of:

Understanding the mechanisms of impact, you can go to the question of how you can lose weight with metformin. Do not think that the action of the drug is aimed at burning fat . Its function is to create conditions in which fat deposits are used, and not muscle tissue. Therefore, for harmless and effective weight reduction, it is necessary to create favorable conditions:

With the above recommendations, you can achieve the desired result.

The dosage of metformin for weight loss is 500 mg per day before lunch and dinner. In some cases, the dose is increased to 1500 mg, but do not forget about the side effects of metformin and the consequences of overdose.