Glycemic index of products

Under the glycemic index means the ability of a carbohydrate to raise the blood sugar level (the so-called process of hyperglycemia). The more hyperglycemia, the greater the glycemic index of the carbohydrate contained in these products.

Nutrition for the glycemic index

Glycemic index of products should be considered in any diet aimed at losing weight or improving the body. What do you need to know when preparing such a diet? By the magnitude of its glycemic index, all carbohydrates are usually divided into "bad" and "good."

The high glycemic index is characterized by so-called "bad" carbohydrates. They are responsible for the overweight person and the feeling of fatigue that overwhelms him. "Bad" carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the body and can have the most unpredictable effect on our metabolism.

The following foods are distinguished by a high glycemic index: pasta from high-grade flour, jam, melon, bananas, beets, white bread from high-grade flour, gray bread, peeled rice, corn, cookies, boiled potatoes, chocolate in tiles, muesli, sugar , corn flakes (popcorn), carrots, honey, instant mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, malt, glucose. More details - in the table below.

Low glycemic index has "good" carbohydrates. In their composition, we also find a large number of vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements. "Good" carbohydrates practically do not have a negative effect on our metabolism. These carbohydrates are only partially absorbed by the body, and therefore they can not provoke a significant increase in the sugar level in the blood. In parallel, they give us a long feeling of satiety, reducing the feeling of hunger. Thus, a diet that includes products with a low glycemic index, will be most useful for us.

Products with a reduced glycemic index include: mushrooms, lemons, tomatoes, green vegetables, soy, fructose, black chocolate containing 60% cocoa, canned fruit without sugar, fresh fruit, fresh fruit juice without sugar, rye bread, chickpeas, lentils, dry beans, dairy products, wholemeal bread, dry peas, colored beans, macaroni products from coarse flour, oat flakes, peas, brown rice, wholemeal bread with bran. More products are in the table below.

Foods with a high glycemic index - "bad" carbohydrates - it is undesirable to take simultaneously with fats. This provokes a metabolic disorder, and a significant portion of the consumed fat is stored in the body.

To ensure that the diet, built according to the glycemic index, turned out to be the most effective for you, please note that fats are also divided into two groups - animals and vegetable. At the same time, there are fats that increase our cholesterol levels - the so-called saturated fats. We meet them in fatty meat, smoked products, dairy products, cream and palm oils. In a diet with a low glycemic index, these fats do not fit in any way.

There are fats that have virtually no relation to the formation of cholesterol. They are found in eggs, oysters and poultry meat without skins. The same group includes fish oil, which can lower the amount of triglycerides in our blood, thus blocking the appearance of thrombi and protecting our heart.

And, finally, some fats can lower cholesterol. Such fats are found in all vegetable oils. Good carbohydrates, characterized by a low glycemic index, it is useful to combine with the fats of the last two groups.