Oatmeal for breakfast

Since childhood, we have been shown that oatmeal is an excellent breakfast. We even explained why. However, the years go by, and we remember that it seems to be useful, but we do not remember why. Is it really worth eating oatmeal for breakfast?

Oatmeal for breakfast: benefit

The English constantly choose from all the variety of dishes precisely this porridge for breakfast. As it turned out, not in vain: not only does this croup consist of complex carbohydrates, which are extremely useful for the body and are not stored in the form of fatty deposits, it also gives a lasting and pleasant feeling of satiety for a long time. When choosing such a breakfast, you will perfectly feel yourself until dinner and do not overeat during the rest of the day.

In addition, oatmeal gives the body a lot of vitamins and trace elements. Another positive feature is that fiber, which is also rich in oatmeal, is an excellent "brush" for the intestines and helps to eliminate toxins.

Oatmeal flakes for breakfast to use is for everyone who cares about health. They contain useful minerals: zinc, cobalt, iron, copper, manganese. In addition, they found almost a whole complex of B vitamins: B1, B2, B6, as well as vitamins PP and E.

People who regularly eat oatmeal porridge are usually more energetic and cheerful, because they feel easy and good. The absence of toxins in the body can not but also have a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin (in many respects it is a merit of a complex of vitamins). If you suffer from pimples or acne, it's time to try breakfast porridge regularly!

As a result of the inclusion of oatmeal in your daily diet, you can even change the composition of your own blood: it will not only become renewed, but will also allow the entire body to function properly. This is especially true for smokers, as well as for all people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and those who are in the postoperative period.

Surprisingly, oat porridge can even restore a harmonious metabolism, which means that your weight will not move swiftly either one way or the other or stand still when you want to lose weight. By the way, the very use of oatmeal promotes weight loss, if your weight is much higher than normal.

For those who are able to catch cold from the slightest breeze, oatmeal is essential! The systematic use of oatmeal strengthens the immune system and allows the body to fight any infections.

People who suffer from constipation and other intestinal problems need oatmeal: thanks to the fiber contained in it, it easily helps to eliminate such problems.

Breakfast: fast and tasty

What to eat for breakfast, how not delicious and useful oatmeal porridge? Another option is porridge without cooking. Cooking it is very simple, and a variety of fillers will make every your breakfast special.

So, take half a glass, put it in a deep plate, pour 1,5-2 cups of boiling water (depending on how you like it better), cover it with a lid. Done! After doing this procedure in the morning, you can go wash, dress or make up. After breakfast, breakfast is ready. It remains to add the ingredients to your taste:

The list of additional ingredients is limited only by your imagination. Each of these options is tasty. Such a breakfast will suit both sportsmen, and office employees, and in general all who care about their health.