How to cook chicken soup?

Soup with chicken in the basis can be safely attributed to one of the most common dishes of our menu. Light broth from a bird seamlessly combined with a wide variety of ingredients and is famous for its effectiveness in fighting colds, but in addition, chicken soup perfectly copes with the feeling of hunger and is not rarely recommended even by those who follow a diet.

How to cook chicken soup with noodles?

Have you heard that a popular lasagna can be turned into a thick and hearty soup? If not, the recipe below is able to surprise you. As one of the ingredients, it is better to take a wide egg noodles or pasta sheets for lasagna.



Pass the chicken breast through a meat grinder and save the mince on a drop of olive oil. When chicken comes to grips, add crushed garlic, oregano and parsley to it, and then pour in broth and tomato sauce. Put the noodles in the broth and leave the dish on medium heat until it reaches full preparedness. In the final, pour the grated cheeses and pour the soup on the plates.

How to cook chicken soup?



In butter, save the stalks of celery and onions rings until they soften. To the vegetables, put the cubes of potato tubers and fill it with broth. After 12-15 minutes, or when the potatoes become soft, remove the soup from the fire and whip with a blender. Add the cream to the dish and season it with sea salt to taste. Boil the chicken and disassemble it into fibers. Spill soup on plates, lay on top of the fiber of chicken meat and serve the dish.

How to cook chicken soup with vermicelli?



Cut chicken into strips and fry in melted butter. To the fried pieces of poultry, add the garlic scraped, and when the latter releases its fragrance, sprinkle all the flour and let it fry together with the chicken for about half a minute. Pour chicken with broth and add the noodles. Boil the noodles until completely ready, occasionally stirring the contents of the pan. Once the noodles are ready, pour the grated cheeses into the soup, mix again diligently, waiting for them to melt, and serve thick chicken soup to the table.

How to cook Mediterranean chicken soup?



Re-bringing the broth with chicken to a boil, put into it slices of sweet pepper and tomatoes, pour in the tomato puree and leave the vegetables to boil for 10 minutes. Put in the soup cubes of courgettes and capers, leave it on the fire for a similar period of time. While the soup is on the stove, separately save pieces of onions with chopped garlic and capers for about 5 minutes, add the roast to the rest of the dish, let the soup boil for another 10 minutes and serve it to a table with plenty of greens.

If you do not know how to make such a chicken soup in a multivark, first fry all the vegetables together for about 6-7 minutes, and then pour them with broth with chicken pieces and leave in "Soup" mode for half an hour.