Obesity of the liver - treatment

Fat hepatosis, steatosis or "fatty liver" is a disease accompanied by the accumulation of fat in the liver cells, because of which its normal functions are violated.

What is the risk of obesity in the liver?

Fatty hepatosis in the absence of therapy causes a number of complications. Most often, in patients who do not follow a diet and continue to consume alcohol, the fat accumulated in the hepatocytes is oxidized, which provokes an inflammatory process - hepatitis. Often, hepatitis becomes chronic. Inflammation is accompanied by replacement of hepatic connective tissue, which leads to cirrhosis. In addition, normal liver function, even with mild steatosis, is impaired due to "interference" caused by fat cells. Correct treatment in most cases guarantees the reversibility of the process. The main thing to remember: obesity of the liver is very dangerous, the sooner it turns to the doctor-gastroenterologist, the more chances to overcome the ailment.

Treatment Scheme

Fatty hepatosis develops against the background of alcohol abuse, intoxication, diabetes mellitus, lipid metabolism disorder, malnutrition. Before treating obesity of the liver, it is necessary to identify the cause of hepatosis and to exclude the influence of the harmful factor. After the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol, try to avoid contact with toxins, contact the endocrinologist in case of violation of carbohydrate or lipid metabolism, make the right diet.

These measures supplement the reception of lipotropic drugs and liver hydrolysates. Patients with excessive body weight are recommended increased physical activity.

Diet for obesity of the liver

Patients with steatosis are prescribed a diet number 5, containing:

Nutrition for obesity of the liver should include products enriched with lipotropic factors - choline, methionine, inositol, lecithin, betaine, etc. They include:

To exclude from a diet it is necessary:

Medicines for obesity of the liver

For fatty hepatosis, lipotropics are prescribed: choline chloride, lipocaine, vitamin B12, folic acid and lipoic acid, hydrolysates and liver extracts.

Choline chloride with saline solution is administered intravenously drip, course 14 - 20 procedures.

Progepar, sirepare, ripazon (hepatic hydrolysates) are administered daily intramuscularly (25 - 40 days).

Folk remedies for liver obesity

Toxins that kill the liver are not only alcohol and drugs, but also medicines. Therefore traditional therapy must be supplemented with folk remedies for the treatment of liver obesity. Herbal preparations and decoctions based on natural products perform a purifying function, restoring the liver. In pharmacies already sold ready-made collection, which is called "Liver Tea". You can brew it yourself, using such medicinal herbs as: