How to treat gout with the big toe?

Gout is a collection of uric acid salts in the joints and soft tissues. The disease can appear as a result of a hereditary predisposition and is acquired. Most often, patients have to think about how to treat gout with the big toe. Here is the most "favorite" place for the deposition of salts. Most likely, you saw the consequences of this. We are talking about the significantly increased in size bones on the soles of the feet in the region of the thumbs.

How can medication cure gout on the big toe?

"Cure" is not exactly the right word. The problem is that you can not completely get rid of gout. After this diagnosis is made, life changes a lot. All that can be done is to control the level of uric acid in order to avoid exacerbations. The latter are terrible because they are accompanied by severe bouts of pain.

Somehow to alleviate the condition helps treatment of gout on the big toes with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

Alternative ways to treat acute gout on the big toe

Prevent acute attacks can be, adhering to a diet. Alcohol, pickles, fatty meat and fish dishes in the diet should be replaced with fruits, fermented milk products, mineral waters.

It is very important to protect the sick joints. They can not be given a heavy load. Shoes should be comfortable - not too tight or narrow. It will also be correct from time to time to make special masks from paraffin.

For the treatment of gout of the big toe, the baths are used. To cook their warm water mixed with soda and iodine or herbal decoctions of chamomile, sage, calendula. Legs need to be soaked in a quarter of an hour, and then treated with iodine or lugol and wrapped. In the morning, lubricate the joint with olive oil.

If the thumb on the leg with gout hurts not too much, you can massage the joint. Easily stroke, grind and develop it.

Not bad helps turnip. Before use, it must be welded and rubbed. Apply the slurry to the affected joint for a few minutes. After a compress, the affected tissue should be carefully, but gently pounded. It is useful to bend and unbend the joint.

You can also try to grate the watermelon seeds or rose hips, pour them with boiling water and insist. To drink such a medicine you need a quarter cup three times a day for ten days.