Condensate on the toilet bowl

Many owners of apartments and houses with well-equipped bathrooms face the problem of condensation on the toilet bowl. The "crying" tank delivers to its owners a lot of problems: it constantly has to be wiped off, put under it a container to collect liquid, constantly pour out its contents. And if you lose your vigilance, there is a risk of a serious puddle formation that can leak not only on the ceiling of neighbors, but also in your relations with them. Therefore, if you do not want unnecessary problems, you need to struggle with the problem of condensate on the toilet tank drain. But first you need to understand the causes of this phenomenon.

Why does condensate appear on the toilet bowl?

If you notice, most often the problem of condensate worries us in the winter, when the room is quite warm, and the water from the tap goes directly icy. It is the difference in air and water temperatures in the drain tank that leads to the accumulation of liquid, provided that the room is fairly humid. This is due to physical laws on the transition of fluid from one state to another, and against it, as is known, it is difficult to resist.

We will not even try to violate the laws of nature, but simply try to solve the problem of the appearance of a strong condensate on the toilet bowl on our own.

Ways to prevent the accumulation of condensate on the toilet bowl

  1. Ventilation. If possible, you should ensure a constant circulation of air in the toilet - put the hood , ventilate, keep the door open.
  2. Check the tank casing. Perhaps the cause of the accumulation is a malfunction of the drainage mechanism. Water constantly flows into the sewer, therefore, being in the tank, does not have time to heat up.
  3. Eliminate the temperature difference. Option two - either turn off the heating in the toilet, or arrange the flow of warm water in the tank.
  4. Minimize the washout of water. If the family is large, it is difficult to do, but if there is not a large flow of "visitors" to the toilet, then, for example, if you send a "small need", press the half-drain button. So, the water will warm up to room temperature in a few hours and the condensate on the toilet tank will disappear by itself. If such a function in the reservoir is not provided, it makes sense to replace it.
  5. Seal the tank from the inside with thermal insulation material. This advice is often found in relevant thematic forums. But, according to some users, decided on this, the method does not work.