Dufaston in early pregnancy

A drug such as Dufaston is often prescribed during pregnancy, especially in its early stages. The basis of this medicine is the analogue of the hormone progesterone - dydrogesterone. It is he who has a positive effect on pregnancy, in particular on the uterine endometrium.

Do everyone need to drink DUFASTON in the early stages?

It is worth noting that not all women in the situation are prescribed this drug. Indications for its use are:

As can be seen from the above, Dufaston is appointed to maintain a pregnancy with the threat of its interruption in the early stages.

How do you usually prescribe the drug?

This drug, like all the others, taken during the bearing of the baby, must necessarily be appointed exclusively by a doctor.

In the early stages of pregnancy, take such a drug as Dufaston, it is necessary in strict accordance with medical instructions. The dosage and the frequency of taking the drug directly depend on the severity of the disorder. Most often it is prescribed 10 mg twice a day.

Special attention is paid to the medication scheme of the drug. In view of the fact that this hormonal agent, a sharp exclusion from the list of prescriptions can lead to a drop in the level of progesterone in the blood. In most cases, the drug is prescribed to take up to 20 weeks of gestation, after which it is gradually canceled. First remove 1 tablet within a week, i.e. a woman takes 1 pill in the morning or in the evening, then the dosage is reduced to half the tablets and after 2 weeks completely discard the drug. Other cancellation schemes are possible.

Is Dufaston harmful in the early stages of pregnancy?

According to medical studies it was found that the drug itself does not have any negative effect on the body of the future mother and fetus. However, like any drug, Dufaston has its own contraindications for use. To such it is necessary to carry:

What side effects can occur when using the drug?

The use of Dufaston in case of threat of miscarriage on early juices in some cases may be accompanied by side effects from certain organs and systems. To such it is possible to carry:

Women pay special attention to the fact that they have previously taken contraceptive oral contraceptives. The fact is that the combination of progesterone and progestin, which is part of most contraceptives, increases the risk of developing thrombosis by several times. In such cases, doctors perform a blood test for coagulation, to assess the current state of the female body.

Thus, it must be said that Duphaston in early pregnancy should be taken at the dosage indicated by the doctor. This will avoid possible complications and side effects that a woman may encounter when taking hormonal medicines. At the first change of state of health during the reception of Dufaston, it is necessary to inform the doctor who is observing the pregnancy.